[env-trinity] REMINDER: Public Meeting for the Wheel Gulch Rehabilitation Site: Feb 15 in Junction City

Gutermuth, F. Brandt BGutermuth at usbr.gov
Mon Feb 14 18:18:45 PST 2011

Trinity River Enthusiasts -
 Just a reminder -
Public Meeting for the Wheel Gulch Rehabilitation Site 6:00 pm February 15, 2011 in Junction City -
(the only planned Channel Rehab work this year)

The Trinity River Restoration Program (TRRP), the Bureau of Reclamation (federal lead agency), the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (Regional Water Board - state lead agency), and the Trinity County Resource Conservation District (TCRCD - state cooperating agency), invite you to attend a meeting to learn about the planned Wheel Gulch Rehabilitation Project and to provide your input. The meeting will be held starting at 6 pm on February 15 at the North Fork Grange Hall, on Dutch Creek Road in Junction City. Project information will be presented and comments on the scope of project will be accepted.
Project information is available in the Wheel Gulch Environmental Assessment/Initial Study (EA/IS) during a 30 day comment which ends March 17.  The EA/IS is available at:  http://www.trrp.net/implementation/WheelGulchEA.htm or
http://www.usbr.gov/mp/nepa/nepa_projdetails.cfm?Project_ID=7238  or a hard copy is available to review at the Trinity Library, the TRRP office or the Trinity County RCD offices in Weaverville.   Otherwise, give me a call and we'll get you a copy.
We are planning to do channel rehabilitation work at only Wheel Gulch this year!  In addition, we plan to add coarse sediment (gravel) during high flows at Lowden Ranch and at the weir hole (in Lewiston).  This year we will be emphasizing monitoring and reporting at our recent rehab sites,  and putting together our plans (based on analysis of what is working and what is not) for future implementation.
Please come to the meeting and provide your input.
Hope to see you there -

Brandt Gutermuth
Environmental Specialist
Trinity River Restoration Program
PO Box 1300, 1313 S Main St
Weaverville, CA  96093
530.623.1806 (voice)
530.623.5944 (fax)

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