[env-trinity] TAMWG agenda for April 12

Arnold Whitridge awhitridge at snowcrest.net
Mon Apr 4 10:46:17 PDT 2011

Trinity River minders,

Here's the agenda for the April 12 meeting of the Trinity Adaptive Management Working Group.  TAMWG meetings are open to reasonable members of the public.

Arnold Whitridge, TAMWG chair
530 623-6688


Proposed Agenda 


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Trinity County Library, 351 Main Street, Weaverville, CA 



         Time           Presentation, Discussion, and/or Action on:                              Presenter        


1.       9:30            Adopt agenda; approve December minutes

2.      9:40            Open forum; public comment

3.       9:50            Designated Federal Officer topics                                             Randy Brown

                               new charter; membership update; by-laws


4.      10:10          TMC Chair report                                                                       Brian Person


5.       10:40          2011 Flow release schedule                                                       Andreas Krause           


          12:30          lunch

6.       1:30            Channel rehabilitation policies                                                   Jennifer Faler


7.       3:00            TRRP  performance measures                                                   Ernie Clarke, Nina Hemphill


8.       4:00            Acting Executive Director's report                                            Jennifer Faler


9.       4:30            Annual election of TAMWG chair and vice-chair


10.     4:40            Agenda topics for May 17-18 TAMWG meeting


          5:00            Adjourn 






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