[env-trinity] Call for research interviewees concerning the Brown Act

Joshua Allen trinityjosh at gmail.com
Tue Aug 30 12:07:24 PDT 2011

Hi All,

I'm beginning my research into the CA Brown Act, otherwise known as the
California Open Meeting Law, for my graduate research into public
administrative policy. As such, I am looking for potential people involved
in CA politics and policy who have a perspective on this law. Particularly I
am interested in hearing from administrators and decision makers in federal,
state, local, and tribal government, as well as NGOs, lawyers, and
journalists; which I know there are many of you on this list-serve.

The information I gleam from you will help to develop a thesis for my
professional paper for my degree, as well as hopefully
provide some direction for research, and potential policy recommendations. I
am in the process of developing a questionnaire at this time. If you are
interested, please feel free to contact me, so we can set up an interview,
and send you a release form for research involving human subjects (a CSU
Chico requirement).

Thank you for your time!

Joshua Allen
2012 Master of Public Administration Candidate
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