[env-trinity] TAMWG meeting Friday, December 9

Arnold Whitridge awhitridge at dishmail.net
Mon Dec 5 06:04:43 PST 2011

The Trinity Adaptive Management Working Group will meet Friday, December 9 at the Trinity County Library in Weaverville; the proposed agenda is conveniently inserted below.   TAMWG is a federal advisory committee chartered to provide advice to the Trinity Management Council.  All TAMWG meetings are open to the public.

Arnold Whitridge, TAMWG chair

Proposed Agenda

Friday, December 9,  2011

Trinity County Library, Weaverville, CA 



         Time           Presentation, Discussion, and/or Action on:                              Presenter        


1.       9:30            Adopt agenda; approve minutes from September

2.      9:45            Open forum; public comment

3.       10:00          TMC Chair report                                                                       Brian Person (tentative)


4.      10:30          Review of Phase 1 Channel Rehabilitation Projects                 D.J. Bandrowski


5.       11:00          2012 Channel Rehabilitation Projects                                        D.J. Bandrowski                             


6.       11:30          Large Woody Debris & Public Safety                                        TAMWG members

          12:00          lunch                                                                                               

7.       1:00            Science program updates- 2012 tasks; 2013 planning,                Ernie Clarke
                               system vs project level monitoring; performance measures                                 

8.       1:30            "Big Questions" for TRRP guidance and assessment               Ernie Clarke                


9.       2:30            Watershed projects in 2012;  Watershed Assessment              Robin Schrock


10.     3:00            Executive Director's report-   TRRP Outreach,                          Robin Schrock            

                               evolving role of Interdisciplinary Team and workgroups;

                               hatchery marking considerations to date.


11.     4:00            Designated Federal Officer topics                                               Randy Brown


          5:00            Adjourn 












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