[env-trinity] Job opportunity- Project Coordination Specialist

Joshua Allen trinityjosh at gmail.com
Thu May 10 15:54:50 PDT 2012

Tom & Robin,

Thanks for the job posting and notification. Though after spending an hour
to set up a usajobs.gov profile and answering all the questions, I was told
by the system that I don't qualify, as the position is only open to current
federal employees and veterans, and I have no hiring preference. Even with
a masters degree in Public Adminstration, B.S. in Natural Resources
Planning, and experience working as a planner on Trinity River restoration
for Trinity County.

Just how does one get their foot in the door with the federal government?
It's a shame really, as qualified applicants, such as myself who
is knowledgeable about the program, history, and people involved, just
can't get past the system. In this economic climate, people like me are
really in need of employment, especially meaningful work, and looking for
opportunity that is closed off to the general public is disheartening. Good
luck on filling this position though!

Joshua Allen

On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 9:34 AM, Tom Stokely <tstokely at att.net> wrote:

> *From: *"Schrock, Robin M" <rschrock at usbr.gov>
> *Date: *May 10, 2012 8:53:28 AM PDT
> *To: *Carrie Nichols <ccapra24 at gmail.com>, David Steinhauser <
> splash at trinityriverrafting.com>, "Denn, Sandy " <snowgoose at pulsarco.com>,
> Ed Duggan <yen2fish at netzero.net>, Elizebeth Hadley <
> ehadley at ci.redding.ca.us>, Emelia Berol <ema.berol at yahoo.com>, Gilbert
> Saliba <gilsaliba at aol.com>, Jeffrey Sutton <jsutton at tccanal.com>, 'Joseph
> McCarthy' <joewmccarthy at comcast.net>, Kelli Gant <kgant at tds.net>, Kim
> Mattson <Mattson at ecosystemsnorthwest.com>, Liam Gogan <
> krista at trinityriveroutfitters.com>, Paul Hauser <phauser at trinitypud.com>,
> Richard Lorenz <rlorenz at snowcrest.net>, Tiffany Hayes <
> tiffany.hayes at ca.usda.gov>, Tom Stokely <tstokely at att.net>, Travis Michel
> <sweettrinity at live.com>
> *Subject: **opportunity*
> Several functions in the program office have been combined in a new
> position that covers realty, compliance and rehabilitation project
> coordination.  Please distribute as appropriate.****
> ** **
> The Northern California Area Office, Trinity River Restoration Division,
> is currently recruiting for a Project Coordination Specialist in
> Weaverville, CA. The following announcement has been prepared via
> Reclamation’s Hire Me on-line application system.****
> * *
> *BR-MP-2012-119, Project Coordination Specialist GS-1101-7/9/11*
> ** **
> Interested applicants can view the announcement through USAJOBS at the
> following link:  http://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/316382700****
> ** **
> First time applicants must register with USAJOBS at
> https://my.usajobs.gov/Account/Account.aspx to create an account.****
> ** **
> For additional information regarding this vacancy, please call Joan
> Russell at 916-978-5498 or email jrussell at usbr.gov.****
> ** **
> ** **
> *Robin M. Schrock*
> Executive Director****
> Trinity River Restoration Program****
> PO Box 1300, 1313 South Main Street****
> Weaverville, CA 96093****
> TEL: (530) 623-1800****
> FAX: (530) 623-5944****
> CELL: (530) 945-7489****
> ** **
> _______________________________________________
> env-trinity mailing list
> env-trinity at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us
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