[env-trinity] Fwd: New TRRP information bulletins

Tom Stokely tstokely at att.net
Wed Aug 22 12:28:44 PDT 2012

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Schrock, Robin M" <rschrock at usbr.gov>
Date: August 22, 2012 12:24:09 PM PDT
To: Carrie Nichols <ccapra24 at gmail.com>, David Steinhauser <splash at trinityriverrafting.com>, "Denn, Sandy " <snowgoose at pulsarco.com>, "Ed Duggan" <yen2fish at netzero.net>, Elizebeth Hadley <ehadley at ci.redding.ca.us>, Emelia Berol <ema.berol at yahoo.com>, Gilbert Saliba <gilsaliba at aol.com>, Jeffrey Sutton <jsutton at tccanal.com>, 'Joseph McCarthy' <joewmccarthy at comcast.net>, Kelli Gant <kgant at tds.net>, Kim Mattson <Mattson at ecosystemsnorthwest.com>, Liam Gogan <krista at trinityriveroutfitters.com>, "Finley, Nancy" <nancy_finley at fws.gov>, Paul Hauser <phauser at trinitypud.com>, Richard Lorenz <rlorenz at snowcrest.net>, Tiffany Hayes <tiffany.hayes at ca.usda.gov>, Tom Stokely <tstokely at att.net>, Travis Michel <sweettrinity at live.com>, "Frye, Vina" <vina_frye at fws.gov>
Cc: "Clifton, Diana L" <DClifton at usbr.gov>, 'Jeff Morris' <jeffconnection at gmail.com>, 'Alex Cousins' <acousins at tcrcd.net>
Subject: New TRRP information bulletins

As this information goes out to the TMC, TAMWG and is posted on the TRRP website and go out through all our distributions channels, we all need to thank first and foremost Diana Clifton.  She soldiered her concept of TRRP outreach through the difficult and lengthy contract development and approval processes of the federal government to allow our collaboration with the RCD and the outreach coordinator to see her vision and that of the TRRP realized.  The interpretive signs that exist at the hatchery and other sites were developed with her insights.  The two brochures you received at the meeting on Monday were her vision of what  was needed to share what we all appreciate about the Trinity River and our county. We have carried on her dedication to public outreach by providing the outreach coordinator with the information needed to answer the many public questions about the TRRP and the Trinity River.  As the outreach coordinator develops further materials in collaboration with  TRRP partners and their technical staff, your input and suggestions are welcome.
These downloadable and printable bulletins are now available at:
Direct links to the TRRP portal pages are:
Water Releases and River Restoration  http://odp.trrp.net/Data/Documents/Details.aspx?document=1741
Trinity River Rehabilitation Site Construction http://odp.trrp.net/Data/Documents/Details.aspx?document=1742
Gravel and Trinity River  http://odp.trrp.net/Data/Documents/Details.aspx?document=1743
Robin M. Schrock
Executive Director
Trinity River Restoration Program
PO Box 1300, 1313 South Main Street
Weaverville, CA 96093
TEL: (530) 623-1800
FAX: (530) 623-5944
CELL: (530) 945-7489

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