[env-trinity] Fw: 2nd North Coast Regional Forum on Water Management and Planning_ September 26

Tom Stokely tstokely at att.net
Sat Sep 14 18:01:44 PDT 2013

Tom Stokely
Water Policy Analyst/Media Contact
California Water Impact Network
V/FAX 530-926-9727
Cell 530-524-0315
tstokely at att.net

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Adriane Garayalde, SVRCD" <garayalde at snowcrest.net>
To: Adriane <garayalde at snowcrest.net>; Amy Campbell <acampbell at tnc.org>; Amy Hoss <ahoss at tnc.org>; Andrew Baker <Andrew.Baker at waterboards.ca.gov>; Basil Newton <basil_wilma at sbcglobal.net>; Ayn Perry <a2r at nctv.com>; Betsy Stapleton <5104stapleton at gmail.com>; Bill Hirt <Hirt at siskiyous.edu>; bill at northriversconstruction.com; Blair Hart <bash at 4fast.net>; Blair Smith <kbjjbsmith at 4fast.net>; Bob Hawkins <RHAWKINS at dfg.ca.gov>; Bob Manley <bob.manley at blackbeardiner.com>; "Bob at SV Wildlife Area" <Ray-Bob.Smith at wildlife.ca.gov>; Bob Walker <walkerranch at 4fast.net>; Brandon Criss <brandoncriss22 at yahoo.com>; Brian Cowley <bkcowley at hotmail.com>; Brian Morris <bmorris at co.siskiyou.ca.us>; Brian Rice <rice4 at cot.net>; Bruce Fiock <brucefiock at earthlink.net>; Caralee Scala <cmulelady at yahoo.com>; Carolyn Gorden <cgorden at co.siskiyou.ca.us>; Chris Robertson <chris at shastashire.com>; Clayton Creager <ccreager at waterboards.ca.gov>; Cliff Munson <cliffm at sisqfair.com>; Curtis Knight
 <caknight at jps.net>; Curtis Milliron <Cmilliro at dfg.ca.gov>; Dan Chase <ranch at 4fast.net>; Danielle Yokel_SRWC <coordsrwc at sisqtel.net>; Dave Webb <dwebb1 at wildblue.net>; Don Meamber <dmeamber at sbcglobal.net>; Ed Valenzuela <dist2sup at sbcglobal.net>; Frank Cardoza <fcardoza at cot.net>; Frank Stonier <stonier4 at gmail.com>; Gary Black <gblack at sisqtel.net>; George Stroud <gstroud at tnc.org>; Glen Rizzardo <glenrizzardo at hotmail.com>; Grace Bennett <gbennett at snowcrest.net>; Greg Farnam <gdfarnam at sisqtel.net>; Jack Cowley <jackcowley at 4fast.net>; Jack Rice <jrice at cfbf.com>; Jack Roggenbuck <jroggenbuck at cox.net>; Jeannette Hook <hook at ci.yreka.ca.us>; Jeff Fowle <kkbar at sisqtel.net>; Jerry Bacigalupi <dbaci at surewest.net>; Jim Morris <jim at bryan-morrisranch.com>; Jim Patterson <James.Patterson at ca.usda.gov>; Jim Spear <jim.spear at ca.usda.gov>; Jodi Aceves <jaceves at co.siskiyou.ca.us>; John Spencer <jps0541 at sisqtel.net>; Julie Kelley <jkelley at spi-ind.com>; Kara Baylog
 <strawberria at gmail.com>; Karen Mallory <mnkmallory at sbcglobal.net>; Kathleen Hitt <kathhitt at gmail.com>; Kerry Mauro <kmauro2 at yahoo.com>; Kim Mattson <mattson at EcosystemsNorthwest.com>; Larry Alexander <lalexander at sisqtel.net>; Laura L Leavitt <leavittl at sbcglobal.net>; Mark Klever <mk at belcampoca.com>; Marsha Pitkin <mpitkin at carter-jones.com>; Martin Andreas <mfandreas at gmail.com>; Matt Parker <mattparker at gotsky.com>; Mike Matherly <mike at mikematherly.com>; Montague Water District <mwcd at att.net>; Nadine Bailey <Nadine.Bailey at sbcglobal.net>; Nancy Nichols <ewelook at hotmail.com>; Pat Griffin <pgriffin at co.siskiyou.ca.us>; Patrick Truman <truman at jeffnet.org>; Paul Kelley <paul at paulkelley.org>; Preston Harris <preston at scottwatertrust.org>; Ray Haupt <howp at sisqtel.net>; Ric Costales <rcostales at co.siskiyou.ca.us>; Rich Klug <RichK at rfpco.com>; Richard Kuck <beef_ranch at yahoo.com>; Rick Lemos <arrowG2 at juno.com>; Rod Dowse <rod.dowse at yahoo.com>; Ryan Root
 <rroot at rootautomation.com>; Sari Sommarstrom <sari at sisqtel.net>; Scott Murphy <murphyranches at yahoo.com>; Scott/Shasta Watermaster District <sswatermaster at gmail.com>; Stan Sears <littleshastaranch at yahoo.com>; Steve Orloff <sborloff at ucdavis.edu>; Susan Hart <susanh at sor.timberproducts.com>; Tim - Watermaster <tbeck at geiconsultants.com>; Tom Connick <tdhc at sonic.net>; Tom Menne <haydude at sisqtel.net>; Tom Nielson <tncattlecompany at yahoo.com>; Tom Patton <tomp at 4fast.net>; Tom Stokely <tstokely at att.net>; Tom Wetter <Twetter at cot.net>; Andrea Souther <Andrea.Souther at ca.usda.gov>; 'Brittany Heck_Gold Ridge' <brittany at goldridgercd.org>; 'Carolyn Pimental_SisQ RCD' <sisqrcd at sisqtel.net>; 'Dee Samson_Tule Lake RCD' <rcd_dee at cot.net>; 'Del Norte RCD' <delnortercd at yahoo.com>; 'Donna Chambers_Humboldt RCD' <donnahcrcd at yahoo.com>; Ed Burton <"Ed Burton">; 'Greg Dill_West Lake RCD' <wercd at jps.net>; 'Greg Lowden_Trinity RCD' <glowden at velotech.net>; 'Janet Olave_Mendocino
 RCD' <Janet.Olave at mcrcd.org>; Jenny E DiStefano <Jenny.E.DiStefano at conservation.ca.gov>; 'Kara Heckert_Sotoyome RCD' <KHeckert at Sotoyomercd.org>; 'Karen Buhr_CARCD' <Karen_Buhr at carcd.org>; 'Mark Dowdle_Trinity RCD' <mdowdle at tcrcd.net>; Nancy Scolari <nancy at marinrcd.org>; 'Pat Frost_Trinity RCD' <pfrost at tcrcd.net>; 'Rhoby Cook_Klamath Trinity RCD' <rhoby at earthtones.com>; Ron Rolleri <rrolleri at sbcglobal.net>; Tom Wehri <tnwehri at surewest.net> 
Sent: Saturday, September 14, 2013 2:22 PM
Subject: 2nd North Coast Regional Forum on Water Management and Planning_ September 26

2nd North Coast Regional Forum on Water Management and Planning
Thursday, September 26, 2013  1:00 – 4:30 p.m. 
(locations listed below, webinar options available)

Please RSVP at: www.surveymonkey.com/s/NorthCoast
The California Department of Water Resources (DWR), in cooperation with local entities and organizations, is holding a Regional Forum to gather and share information relating to the California Water Plan and statewide and local Integrated Water Management. The Forum will also evaluate DWR’s regional approach, asking for feedback on ways to improve outreach.
Why Participate?
    The Forum agenda will provide an overview of the Public Review Draft for Update 2013 of the Water Plan. Information will focus on new and revised content, with details on how to submit comments on the document. 
·       Extra time will be spent discussing the North Coast regional report, which describes regional water conditions and the water management planning context. 
·       Help inform statewide investment policy through review of key elements of strategic water planning issues, priorities and recommendations. These items will be captured in the Executive Summary of the Regional Report that will be included in the Water Plan Highlights document.
·       Hear information on regional conditions: natural systems hydrology in the Scott and Shasta Valleys, and groundwater systems in Shasta Valley and Sonoma County. There will be updates on related programs, including the Flood Futures Report, IRWM strategic plan and more. 
·       Influence DWR’s future outreach efforts.
Representatives of water agencies and regional groups; local, state, Tribal and federal government; watershed and community groups; conservancies; and the public are welcome and needed for successful dialog. 
Forum Locations, Agenda and Materials
Join us at the following locations (which will be linked via webinar):
·       Eureka: Red Lion Hotel, Pine Room, 1929 Fourth Street
·       Santa Rosa: Sonoma County Water Agency, Redwood Room, 404 Aviation Boulevard
·       Yreka: Holiday Inn Express, Conference Room, 707 Montague Road
Please go to www.waterplan.water.ca.gov/materials/index.cfm?subject=sep2613to download the agenda, webinar link and conference call number. Both the webpage and agenda provide the webinar and conference call information for remote participation.
Additional meeting materials will be posted as they are available. The most recent draft of the North Coast Regional Report will be posted on September 11th.

Adriane Garayalde
District Administrator
Shasta Valley Resource Conservation District
215 A Executive Court, Yreka, CA  96097
Phone:  530-842-6121, 106
Cell:      530-905-1055
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