[env-trinity] Trinity River spawning survey update for week September 16 to 20

Chamberlain, Charles charles_chamberlain at fws.gov
Fri Sep 20 08:54:01 PDT 2013

We're starting to see spawning activity ramp up in the mainstem Trinity.  The
latest weekly report from our spawning survey is available at the Arcata
Fish and Wildlife Office Fisheries Program webpage:

This week we surveyed Lewiston Dam to Pigeon Point, and got our first look
of the year at reaches 9 and 10 (Big Flat Access to Cedar Flat Access).
 Our crews mapped 35 redds and encountered 16 carcasses.  The figure below
is clipped from the latest weekly report available at the link above.
[image: Inline image 1]

For the week of September 23 to 27, we aim to survey reaches 1-7 (Lewiston
Dam to the Pigeon Point Access).  Some weather is finally on the way and
should make things interesting.  Look for another update next week.

*Fun fact for the week...*
Did you know?.... in addition to providing great sport and subsistence,
salmon bring with them huge quantities of ocean derived nutrients that will
feed the next salmon generation and enrich the valley floor?  These
long-haul truckers gather several hundred tons of nutrients from the ocean
and deliver them to spawning grounds on rivers and streams of the Klamath
Basin.  Enriched with those nutrients, riparian forests thrive and algae
and aquatic plants flourish – invigorating insect populations that are the
prey base for fish and other aquatic life.  A good run of salmon now will
contribute greatly to river productivity this winter and spring when the
demand for juvenile salmon habitat and food resources will be high.

Talk to you soon,

Charles Chamberlain
Supervisory Fish Biologist
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Arcata Fish & Wildlife Office
1655 Heindon Road
Arcata, CA 95521

Charles_Chamberlain at fws.gov<https://mail.google.com/mail/?view=cm&fs=1&tf=1&to=Charles_Chamberlain@fws.gov>
Phone: (707) 825-5110    Fax: (707) 822-8411
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