[env-trinity] Fw: Coalition Letter to TMC on Lower Junction City/Bucktail Projects

Tom Stokely tstokely at att.net
Tue Mar 25 19:55:14 PDT 2014

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From: Tom Stokely <tstokely at att.net>
To: "PERSON, BRIAN" <bperson at usbr.gov> 
Cc: Ann Garrett <Ann.Garrett at noaa.gov>; Bruce Bingham <bruce_bingham at fws.gov>; "Chapman, Debra" <dchapman at trinitycounty.org>; "Connor, Teresa" <connor at water.ca.gov>; Dave Hillemeier <dhillemeier at yuroktribe.nsn.us>; David Myers <dmyers01 at fs.fed.us>; "Flueger, Judy P." <jpflueger at trinitycounty.org>; "Hadley, Elizabeth" <ehadley at ci.redding.ca.us>; George Kautsky <hupafish at hoopa-nsn.gov>; Joe Polos <joe_polos at fws.gov>; Mike Orcutt <director at hoopa-nsn.gov>; "Milliron, Curtis" <Curtis.Milliron at wildlife.ca.gov>; "Naman, Seth" <Seth.Naman at noaa.gov>; "Reck, Donald R." <DReck at usbr.gov>; Tim Hayden <thayden at yuroktribe.nsn.us>; William Brock <wbrock at fs.fed.us>; "LaBanca, Tony at Wildlife" <Tony.LaBanca at wildlife.ca.gov>; "Schrock, Robin" <rschrock at usbr.gov>; "Carrie Nicolls (carrie.nicolls at ca.usda.gov)" <carrie.nicolls at ca.usda.gov>; Darren Mierau <DMierau at caltrout.org>; "David Steinhauser (splash at trinityriverrafting.com)" <splash at trinityriverrafting.com>; "Edgar Duggan
 (yen2fish at netzero.net)" <yen2fish at netzero.net>; "Emelia Berol (ema.berol at yahoo.com)" <ema.berol at yahoo.com>; "Gilbert Saliba (gilsaliba at aol.com)" <gilsaliba at aol.com>; "Joseph McCarthy (joewmccarthy at comcast.net)" <joewmccarthy at comcast.net>; "jsutton at tccanal.com" <jsutton at tccanal.com>; "Kelli Gant (trla at northtrinitylake.com)" <trla at northtrinitylake.com>; "krista at trinityriveroutfitters.com" <krista at trinityriveroutfitters.com>; "Paul Hauser (phauser at trinitypud.com)" <phauser at trinitypud.com>; "Richard Lorenz (rlorenz at snowcrest.net)" <rlorenz at snowcrest.net>; "snowgoose at pulsarco.com" <snowgoose at pulsarco.com>; "Matt.St.John at waterboards.ca.gov" <Matt.St.John at waterboards.ca.gov>; "Samantha.Olson at waterboards.ca.gov" <Samantha.Olson at waterboards.ca.gov>; "David.Leland at waterboards.ca.gov" <David.Leland at waterboards.ca.gov>; "Falcone Gil at Waterboards" <Gil.Falcone at waterboards.ca.gov>; "Bargsten Stephen at Waterboards" <Stephen.Bargsten at waterboards.ca.gov>; Herb Burton
 <trinflyguy at shasta.com>; "Gary Graham Hughes (gary at wildcalifornia.org)" <gary at wildcalifornia.org>; SCOTT STRATTON <scott at trinityriveradventures.com>; Bill Dickens <webefshn at com-pair.net>; Barbara Vlamis <barbarav at aqualliance.net>; Clark Tuthill <cltuts at att.net>; Larry Glass <larryglass71 at gmail.com>; "ginny.rice46 at gmail.com" <ginny.rice46 at gmail.com>; kristi bevard <kbevard at gmail.com>; "Troutnk at aol.com" <Troutnk at aol.com> 
Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 7:54 PM
Subject: Coalition Letter to TMC on Lower Junction City/Bucktail Projects

Brian and Members of the Trinity Management Council,

Attached is a letter from our coalition regarding the Bucktail and Lower Junction City projects.  We sincerely hope that the Trinity Management Council will respond favorably to this offer from us.  

Unfortunately, I will be unable to attend the TMC meeting this week because I have a previous commitment. However, other members of the coalition will be present at the meeting to provide input.

Tom Stokely
Water Policy Analyst/Media Contact
California Water Impact Network
V/FAX 530-926-9727
Cell 530-524-0315
tstokely at att.net
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