[env-trinity] Trinity River Trapping Summary Jweek 34

Cannata, Steve@Wildlife Steve.Cannata at wildlife.ca.gov
Wed Aug 27 12:13:04 PDT 2014

Hi All,
Please see attachment for the Jweek 34 Trinity River trapping summary update.  The Junction City weir was removed from the river on Aug 22 to prevent any damage to it from the release of augmentation flows that will peak at 2450 cfs today Aug. 27th.  We plan to re-install the weir as flows subside on Aug 29.  Installation of the Willow Creek weir is planned for Sept. 2nd.


Steve Cannata
Environmental Scientist
Trinity River Project
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
5341 Ericson Way
Arcata, CA  95521
(707) 822-4230
steve.cannata at wildlife.ca.gov

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