[env-trinity] Latest Draft Agenda for Thursday/Friday Joint TMC/TAMWG Meeting- TRRP Programmatic Workshop

Tom Stokely tstokely at att.net
Tue Oct 28 10:40:08 PDT 2014

TRRP Programmatic Workshop
Draft Agenda
Meeting Room, Weaverville Public Library
351 Main St.
Weaverville, CA 96093
October 30-31, 2014
Purpose:    This workshop series is
intended to build a common understanding among TRRP policy makers,
stakeholders, and staff about (1) what has been learned during the past nearly
10 years of Program implementation and (2) how that information will influence
future mngt. and restoration actions.  
The emphasis of this specific workshop will be the evolution of
channel rehabilitation efforts.
Topics:       Central
tenets of the Trinity River Mainstem Fishery Record of Decision (ROD)
Evolution in channel rehabilitation strategy
SAB review and recommendations
Note:         There will be an
opportunity for public questions / comments during each discussion period.
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Meeting no. / Access code:                  578 615 730            Password:  Abc at 123!           Audio:  1-408-792-6300
Link:                          https://trrp.webex.com/trrp/j.php?MTID=m8e0de9584869efa059cfa3c0570c4df2
Time Topic Discussion Leader 
Opening Session 
9:00 Introduction
1.     Purpose of workshop series
2.     Purpose of this event
3.     Future topics / events
4.     Agenda review Schrock 
9:30 ROD tenets Franklin 
10:00 BREAK 
Channel Rehabilitation Evolution Session 
10:30 Overview of channel rehab evolution/timeline Bandrowski 
10:45 Habitat Lessons Learned
1.     How the habitat assessment has helped change the way we design projects.
2.     Is a single mainstem channel sufficient for habitat?
3.     Discussion  
Facilitator: Ledwin 
NOON LUNCH (on your own)   
1:00 Physical Processes Lessons Learned
1.     Why have the projects gotten so big?What happened to the “Feathered Edge” and “Berm Notching” approach?
2.     Why are we pushing the river the around so much?
3.     Why are we using so much large wood on the projects?
4.     Discussion  
Bandrowski / Smith
Facilitator: Stewart 
2:15 Riparian Lessons Learned
1.     Is the riparian revegetation working?
2.     Are constructed surfaces working to restore natural riparian recruitment processes?
3.     Discussion  
Lee and Bair
Lee and Bair
Facilitator: TBD 
3:30 BREAK   
3:45 Conclusion (Session 1 of 2; looking back): 
-      What has been learned during the past nearly 10 years of Program implementation?
-      What is it that we don’t understand but want to learn? Presenters
Facilitator: TBD 
4:45 Outline day 2 agenda Schrock 
5:00 ADJOURN   
October 31, 2014
Meeting no. /
Acess code:   574
616 222            Password:  Abc at 123!           Audio:  1-408-792-6300
Link:                          https://trrp.webex.com/trrp/j.php?MTID=m50a3b5e1de2da2c8988a29769977a097
Time Topic Discussion Leader 
Channel Rehabilitation Evolution Session Continued 
9:00 Conclusion (Session 2 of 2; looking forward): 
-      What are priority Phase 2 design challenges and proposed revisions to the Phase 2 design process based on lessons learned?
-      What can we do to foster organizational learning?  
Facilitator: TBD 
10:15 BREAK 
SAB review and recommendations 
10:30 Introduction Schrock 
10:45 TRRP DSS Introduction DeWeber 
11:00 DSS Component Update Clarke 
11:15 DSS next steps
Discussion based on Appendix H Schrock 
12:15 How could channel rehabilitation decisions be informed in the future? Schrock, Bandrowski
Clarke, DeWeber 
12:45 Conclusion Schrock 
1:00 ADJOURN  
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