[env-trinity] Times-Std: Klamath sees healthy salmon return in 2014

Sari Sommarstrom sari at sisqtel.net
Thu Feb 26 10:51:12 PST 2015

Note that actual escapement to the Scott River was 10,419 Chinook adults
(plus 2,051 jacks) while the Salmon River's return was 2,706 adults (plus
527 jacks) - the figures got reversed in the text from the actual data in
Appendix B, table B-6.




Klamath sees healthy salmon return in 2014

By Kenny Priest, For the Times-Standard

Posted: 02/25/15, 9:37 PM PST | 

So much for last year being a down year on the Klamath. Turns out the number
of fall Klamath River adult kings [Chinook] returning to the river was much
higher than originally predicted. According to the Pacific Fisheries
Management Council (PFMC), which recently completed their preliminary stock
assessment evaluation, 160,444 adults returned along with 22,348 jacks, or
two year-old kings. The predicted run size was 92,800. The increase in
returns allowed for a whopping 95,330 natural spawners, which is roughly 234
percent of what's required. Based on the number of jacks that returned,
which is used as one of the factors in predicting next year's run, we should
be in for another good year on the Klamath. 

Last year's sport quota for the entire Klamath Basin was 4,128 adults, which
was based on the 92,800 run size. Looking at the actual numbers, we could
see a much higher sport quota in 2015.

Iron Gate Hatchery on the upper Klamath also saw a spike in returning
adults. On an average year, roughly 15,000 will return. In 2014, 24,300
returned. Add in another 6,975 that returned to the Trinity River Hatchery,
and we're about 7,000 fish over the 35-year average for both hatcheries

The upper Klamath tributaries, including the Salmon, Scott, and Shasta
Rivers, also saw an increase in the returning salmon. The Shasta River has
historically been the most important Chinook salmon spawning stream in the
upper Klamath River, supporting a spawning escapement of 27,600 adults as
recently as 2012 and 63,700 in 1935. The escapement in 2014 to the Shasta
River was 14,412 adults. Escapement to the Salmon and Scott Rivers was
10,419 and 2,706 adults, respectively [sic].

Next up is the annual Salmon Information meeting, which was being held today
in Santa Rosa. Ocean abundance will be discussed, which will then trickle
down to river quotas. To view the ocean salmon fishery report, visit
www.pcouncil.org/wp content/uploads/ salsafe2014_FullDocument.pdf
f> .

PFMC set to meet March 6-12

The Pacific Fishery Management Council and its advisory bodies will meet
March 6-12, 2015 in Vancouver, Washington, to address issues related to
salmon, Pacific halibut, highly migratory species, ecosystem based
management, and habitat matters. On the agenda are the alternatives for the
2015 ocean salmon fisheries for public review.

Cash for Trinity steelhead, salmon tags

If you've been successful catching steelhead and salmon on the Trinity
River, a $10-50 reward could be yours. All you need to do is return your
fish tags this season according to a press release issued Wednesday by the
CDFW. Of the more than 4,500 fish that were tagged, 3,000 are eligible for a
cash reward.

CDFW uses information gathered from the tags applied to Chinook, coho and
steelhead in the Trinity River system to calculate harvest and help
biologists estimate population size of steelhead and salmon runs. Only tags
returned to CDFW in the same season they are obtained can be used in
estimates. The timely return of tags to CDFW is critical because the data is
also needed for the annual season setting process.

Reward tags are clearly marked, though any tag returned is appreciated. The
information non-reward tags are equally important to the process. When the
tag is returned, CDFW will send you information about where and when your
fish was tagged, in addition to any reward for which you might qualify.

For more information, visit https:/

Weekend weather

We'll be seeing periods of light rain beginning Thursday evening according
to Reginald Kennedy of Eureka's National Weather Service. He said, "Thursday
and Friday we'll see some showers and they'll start to taper off on
Saturday. Another weak system will bring a few showers on Monday. Del Norte
could see anywhere from a half to an inch of rain from Thursday through
Saturday while Humboldt may see a quarter to a half. The rainfall totals
will definitely be less as you move south."

Find "Fishing the North Coast" on Facebook and fishingthenorthcoast.com for
up-to- date fishing reports and North Coast river information. Questions,
comments and photos can be emailed to kenny at fishingthenorthcoast.com.


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