[env-trinity] Public Notice of Renewal of TRRP 5 year Channel Rehabilitation Projects' 401 Cert and workshop 3/26

Tom Stokely tstokely at att.net
Tue Mar 10 12:09:42 PDT 2015

The full notice with the draft Order is attached.
 Public Notice for Water Quality Certification and/or
Discharge Requirements
(Dredge/Fill Projects) 
Notice of Public Workshop 
Bureau of Reclamation,
Trinity River Restoration Program – Channel Rehabilitation for Remaining Phase
1 and Phase 2 Sites 
Trinity County 
The Regional Water Board is
proposing to continue to regulate the Bureau of Reclamation, Trinity River
Restoration Program – Channel Rehabilitation for Remaining Phase 1 and Phase 2
Sites (Project) pursuant to Section 401 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1341)
and Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act authority. In addition, staff will
consider all comments on the draft Water Quality Certification that are
submitted in writing and received at this office by mail during a 45-day
comment period that begins on the first date of issuance of this notice and
ends at 5:00 p.m. on the last day of the comment period. 
During the public comment
period, the Regional Water Board staff will conduct a public workshop on March
26, 2015, from 7 – 9:00 p.m. at the public library in Weaverville, California,
to take comments on the attached draft Water Quality Certification. The purpose
of the public workshop is to hear and receive written comments specifically on
water quality aspects of activities regulated by the attached Draft Water
Quality Certification. 
If you have any questions,
please contact staff member Gil Falcone at (707) 576-2830 or Stephen Bargsten
at (707) 576-2653 within 45 days of the posting of this notice. Written
comments can be submitted electronically to Northcoast at waterboards.ca.gov . 
The application for this Water
Quality Certification and the Regional Water Board’s file for past permitted
activities contain a significant amount of additional details about the past
and proposed Projects including maps, photos and reports.  The Regional
Water Board file is available for public review.
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