[env-trinity] CVP Sacramento River Temperature Management Plan

Tom Stokely tstokely at att.net
Tue Jul 7 17:42:06 PDT 2015

At the recent TAMWG meeting, the group requested a copy of the most recent Trinity River operations forecast that is usually posted on the Bureau of Reclamation's Central Valley Operations website.  However, that has not been updated since March.
The most recent 90% exceedance forecast can be found on page 10 of the Temperature Management Plan at: http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/waterrights/water_issues/programs/drought/docs/tucp/2015/junetempplan.pdf
Despite using over 400,000 AF of Trinity River water through the Clear Creek Tunnel, the word "Trinity" appears nowhere in the document (other than page 10) and it says nothing about how the Trinity River's temperatures might fare.  
Does anybody have information on temperature predictions for the Trinity River?  The presentation on this was cancelled at the last TAMWG meeting.  Tom Stokely
Water Policy Analyst/Media Contact
California Water Impact Network
V/FAX 530-926-9727
Cell 530-524-0315
tstokely at att.net
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