[env-trinity] Fwd: Change Order - Trinity River

Gutermuth, F. bgutermuth at usbr.gov
Wed Sep 9 08:36:21 PDT 2015

Below is the schedule for preventative releases of water from Lewiston dam
to enhance water conditoins in the Lower Klamath

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Washburn, Thuy <twashburn at usbr.gov>

Please make the following release change to the Trinity River.

Date Time From (cfs) To (cfs)         9/8/2015 2000 1,100 1,350 9/8/2015
2200 1,350 1,600   9/9/2015 0001 1,600 1,850 9/9/2015 0200 1,850 2,100
9/9/2015 0400 2,100 2,600 9/9/2015 0600 2,600 3,100 9/9/2015 0800 3,100
3,250   9/10/2015 0800 3,250 3,050 9/10/2015 1200 3,050 2,850 9/10/2015 1600
2,850 2,650 9/10/2015 2000 2,650 2,450   9/11/2015 0001 2,450 2,250
9/11/2015 0400 2,250 2,050 9/11/2015 0800 2,050 1,950 9/11/2015 1200 1,950
1,850 9/11/2015 1600 1,850 1,750 9/11/2015 2000 1,750 1,650   9/12/2015 0001
1,650 1,550 9/12/2015 0400 1,550 1,450 9/12/2015 0800 1,450 1,350 9/12/2015
1200 1,350 1,250 9/12/2015 1600 1,250 1,100

Issued by:  Thuy Washburn

Comment:  Preventative pulse flow for *Ich* in salmon for the lower Klamath

 Best -

Brandt Gutermuth
Environmental Scientist
Trinity River Restoration Program
PO Box 1300, 1313 S. Main ST.
Weaverville CA 96093
530.623.1806 Voice
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