[env-trinity] Trinity Management Council Meeting Agenda 12/6-7, Weaverville ; TAMWG no longer exists

Tom Stokely tstokely at att.net
Thu Nov 30 12:11:16 PST 2017

Below is the agenda for the December 6 and 7 Trinity Management Council Meeting.
The Federal Advisory Committee for the Trinity River Restoration Program, the Trinity Adaptive Management Working Group (TAMWG) has been effectively dissolved.  It was declared "administratively inactive" by the Interior Department.  The group has not met since March 2017.  
Tom Stokely


Location:  Trinity River Restoration Program

1313 SouthMain Street, Weaverville, CA 

Agenda for December 6 and 7, 2017

Wednesday December 6, 2017 


Time                                                                                                                DiscussionLeader


9:00                 Introductions:                                                                        DonBader, Chair

§ Welcome andIntroductions

§ Approval of Agenda

§ Approval of SeptemberTMC Meeting Minutes

9:30                 Public Forum:  Comments from the public                              Bader, Chair

9:45                 Report fromTAMWG                                                            TomStokely

10:00               Report fromExecutive Director                                            Caryn HunttDeCarlo

Information/ Decision Items:

10:30               Election of TMCVice Chair (Decision Item)                          Bader,Chair


10:45               Schedule 2018teleconference and meeting dates                   HunttDeCarlo

11:00               Break

11:15               TRRP Drone Use                                                                    EricPeterson


11:45               Reinitiation of Consultation                                                   Bader,Chair

12:00               Lunch 

1:00                 Safety of Dams Presentation                                                  Bader, Chair


1:30                 WinterVariability Flow (Decision Item)                                JennyNorris (+)

3:00                 Break

3:15                 Junction CityHouse                                                               MikeDixon

3:30                 FY18 Budget–Allocationof Remaining Funds (Decision Item) Caryn Huntt DeCarlo

4:30                 Public Forum:  Comments from the public                              Don Bader, Chair

4:45                 Adjourn

6:00                 TMC Dinnerat Golf Course Restaurant, 130 Golf Course Drive, Weaverville


Thursday December 7, 2017 

Time                                                                                                                DiscussionLeader


9:00                 Update on theTRRP Refinements Summary Reports                       ChadSmith


9:15                 Public Forum:  Comments from the public                             Don Bader, Chair

Information/ Decision Items:

9:30                 FY18 Budget–Allocation of Remaining Funds(Decision Item) Caryn Huntt DeCarlo 

10:30               Redd surveys                                                                           Kautsky (+)

10:45               Break

11:00               Helena and Buck Fires Burned Area Assessment                   Brad Rust

12:00               Lunch

1:00                 TRRP New Website                                                                EricPeterson 

1:30                 Dutch Creek Design Presentation                                           Dixon(+)


2:00                 Proposed AgendaItems for March TMC Meeting                 DonBader, Chair

2:15                 Public Forum:  Comments from the public                             DonBader, Chair

2:30                 Adjourn


WebEx and Call in Information:

TMC – Day 1  Wednesday,December 6th

Join by Phone: 1-408-792-6300

Meeting number (access code): 809 740 529 

Meeting password: iKV3fJ7B

TMC Meeting Link: https://trrp.webex.com/trrp/j.php?MTID=mf5209b75b1d919fd8887880ac645bc6b

Can't join the meeting? https://help.webex.com/docs/DOC-5412


TMC – Day 2  Thursday,December 7th

Join by Phone: 1-408-792-6300

Meeting number (access code): 804 709 542 

Meeting password: zSMM8Qgq

TMC December Meeting Day 2 MeetingLink:


Can't join the meeting? https://help.webex.com/docs/DOC-5412

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