[env-trinity] TRINITY MANAGEMENT COUNCIL Agenda 3/28-29, Weaverville, CA

Tom Stokely tstokely at att.net
Wed Mar 21 16:21:20 PDT 2018


March 2018 Quarterly Meeting

Location:  Trinity River Restoration Program

1313South Main Street, Weaverville, CA 

Agenda for March 28-29, 2018 (WebEx info on page 2)

Wednesday March 28, 2018 


Time                                                                                                                DiscussionLeader


9:00                 Introductions:                                                                         DonBader, Chair

§ Welcome andIntroductions

§ Approval ofAgenda 

§ Approval ofDecember TMC Meeting Minutes

9:15                 Public Forum:  Comments from the public                               Bader, Chair

9:30                 TAMWG StatusUpdate                                                          NickHetrick, FWS DFO

9:35                 Report fromExecutive Director (includes JC Houseupdate)  Caryn Huntt DeCarlo

Information/ Decision Items:

10:30               Winter Flow Variability White Paper and SIR Update           KyleDe Juilio and Caryn

10:45               Break

11:00               Reinitiation ofConsultation on the Coordinated Long-Term  KatrinaHarrison confirmed

Long-Term Operation ofCentral Valley Project and State 


11:30               Updateon 2018 Operation of the Klamath Project                 Klamath Basin Area Office

                                                                                                                                    not confirmed

11:45               Lunch

1:00                 WY18 Hydrograph and Gravel Augmentation                       ToddBuxton, Dave 

Decision Item                                       Gaeuman,James Lee and Kyle

2:30                 Break

2:45                 FY18 Watershed Projects Rankings for TMCapproval         Eric Wiseman

                                                            Decision Item

4:30                 PublicForum:  Comments from the public                               DonBader, Chair

4:45                 Adjourn


6:00                 TMC Dinner   StagecoachPizzeria & Café, 529Main St. Weaverville

Thursday March 29, 2018 

Time                                                                                                                DiscussionLeader


9:00                 Public Forum:  Comments from the public                               DonBader, Chair

Information/ Decision Items:

9:15                 Science Metrics                                                                       JennyNorris

9:45                 FY18 TRRP Budget update                                                     Caryn

10:00               FY19 TRRP Draft Budget Proposal (includes 

discussionof FY19 Science Workplan/direction)                        Jennyand Caryn

                                                Decision Item

11:00               Break

11:15               FY19 TRRP DraftBudget Proposal continued                        Jennyand Caryn

12:00               Lunch

1:00                 General shape/concept Hydrograph forSOD/storage              Todd Buxton


1:15                 UASGood Neighbor guideline for TMC approval                  EricPeterson 


1:35                 Update on run size/stockprojections and harvest                   Ken Lindke/George Kautsky


1:55                 Request for June TMC Agenda Items                                     Caryn

2:00                 PublicForum:  Comments from the public                               DonBader, Chair

2:30                 Adjourn

WebEx and Callin Information:

|  TMC – Day 1 Wednesday, March 28th 

|  ​Call in number:  1-408-792-6300  

|  Passcode: 805 092 908

|  https://trrp.webex.com/trrp/j.php?MTID=m1f23ebafacd3163c64f01038d9b9e851




TMC – Day 2 Thursday, March 29th 

|  Call in number:  1-408-792-6300  

 Passcode: 800 926 201



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