[env-trinity] Drafty TMC Agenda Sept 11-12, Weitchpec

Tom Stokely tstokely at att.net
Mon Aug 19 09:56:52 PDT 2019

This agenda is subject to change.                                                                        DRAFT SUBJECT TO CHANGE


September 2019 Quarterly Meeting

WednesdaySeptember 11 - Thursday September 12, 2019

Location: Yurok Tribe Weitchpec Office

 Hwy 96, Weitchpec, CA 95546, USA

Agenda (WebEx info on page 2)

Wednesday September 11, 2019 

Time                                                                                                              Discussion Leader

Regular Business:

9:00                 Introductions:                                                                      Justin Ly, Chair

§ Welcome and Introductions

§ Approval of Agenda 

§ Approval of September TMC Meeting Minutes

§ June 2019 TMC action items recap

§ CVP Operations Update 


9:30                 Public Forum:  Comments from the public                          Justin Ly, Chair

9:45                 Report from Executive Director                                          Mike Dixon


10:30               CVP EIS/EIR as it relates to the Trinity River                       Don Bader’s designee


11:00               Break

11:15               Dam infrastructure constraints and response to TMC letter   Don Bader



12:00               Lunch 

1:00                 Program goal and fundamental objectives review                  Seth Naman 


1:45                 Objectives and Targets Update                                               Nick Som 


2:30                 Water Temperatures For Rearing Salmonids                         Seth Naman


Decision Item

3:15                 Break

3:30                 REU’s request for TMC membership                                     Justin Ly

Decision Item

4:00                 Public Forum:  Comments from the public                          Justin Ly, Chair

4:15                 Adjourn

6:00     TMC Dinner – Gonzales Mexican Restaurant,38971 HWY 299, Willow Creek 


September 2019 Quarterly Meeting



Thursday September 12, 2019


Time                                                                                                               Discussion Leader

Regular Business:

9:00                 Public Forum:  Comments from the public                          Justin Ly, Chair

Information / Decision Items:

9:30                 TMC bylaws: Changes to date                                                Eric Peterson

                                                        Executive sessions/special meetings               Justin Ly         

                                                Adoption of additional changes                      Justin Ly

Decision Item

10:15               Break

10:30               Finalize refinements SOW; determine funding avenue          Mike Dixon/Justin Ly

Decision Item

12:00               Lunch 

1:00                 Next steps in flow management compliance                           Mike D./Todd Buxton

Decision Item?

2:00                 Initial findings from synthesis reports (Series of short presentation)


3:00                 Break

3:15                 Synthesis report presentations (continued)


3:45                 Topics for December Meeting                                             TMC members/Mike

4:00                 Public Forum:  Comments from the public                          Justin Ly, Chair

4:15                 Adjourn


(Call-in numbers are the same for both days.)

Join by phone:
1-408-792-6300 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)
Access code: 806 670 107

Join via web:

Meeting number: 806 670 107
Password: fMcxqMp2

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