[Davis Democrats] Holiday Party at Doug Kaplan's for Davis Democrat Club

G Richard Yamagata PhD yamagata at virtual-markets.net
Mon Nov 17 19:36:13 PST 2003

Greetings Davis Democrat Club Board Members,

This is a reminder to all that there will be a holiday party at Doug
Kaplan's on December 5 from 7PM to 9PM.  Please visit:

The following have committed to bringing something -- other board members
please let us know if you are bringing something:

Bob Bockwinkel          Cheese Cake
Mike Syvanen            Roast Beef (whole roast baked with cloves of garlic)
Richard Yamagata        Pot Stickers (4 baker's dozen)
Barbara Slemmons        Cheese and Cracker plate
Stephen Souza           Beer, wine and soda
Betty Weir              Boiled Shrimp and Cocktail Sauce
Scott Lay               Hot Dish
Adrienne Candell        Will bring something (Chef's choice)

The club agreed to purchase 2 back-up deli-platters from Safeway for this event.

As for raffle items, my company will donate two -- one pound boxes of Sees
Candy.  If someone wins a box of candy and another prize, I do not care and
think it fair.  If other people do care about the distribution of these two
prizes, then please let me know a week before this event, so I can withdraw
the offer to the club.  The reason is that Sue Greenwald is the only person
in all of the 3 previous years that I have done this, has bothered to thank
VME, Inc for the candy.  I also am more than a little displeased that the
recipients did not bother to thank me for the Bean Feed tickets that I paid
to be given to students so that they could attend -- second year in a row.  

Lastly, the minutes link for the October meeting are on the web site at:

Bob Bockwinkel has already made corrections to the minutes.  Please send
other changes if you see anything wrong with them.  

Take care,

G Richard Yamagata  PhD
CEO/President   VME Inc.   http://www.vme.net/
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G Richard Yamagata is a member of the Davis Community Network Board of 
Directors and secretary of the board of the Davis Democrat Club
The thoughts expressed are my own and do not reflect the policies or opinions

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