G Richard Yamagata PhD yamagata at virtual-markets.net
Thu Jan 29 00:49:39 PST 2004

Greetings DCN Board Mailing List,

The next Davis Democrat Club meeting is scheduled for February 10 at 7PM.

This e-mail was requested to be forwarded to the board list by our
newsletter editor.  I think that it warrants our serious attention,
considering all the work she has done on making the club newsletter a
topflight production.  To be absolutely honest, I have neither the energy
nor the time work on, let alone to put out the newsletter and Anais has done
an excellent job as not only its editor, but as production manager.  Because
I realize this, I can state that we need to consider this request by our
editor.  How much money are we paying this young, energetic person to do the
work on the newsletter?  I was just e-mailed today an estimate for a
campaign lawn sign design by one of my web artists for $350.  

My comment on this is that if things are done, they must be done quickly.
The newsletter must go out the end of the first week of February -- before
the next board meeting.  The next question is that if we allow all of the
city council candidates to send in statements and pictures, do we allow them
to also advertise in the newsletter.  With more statements, this means more
text and pictures, therefore more cost.  Either we go with a regular printed
number of newsletters or the club subsidizes the newsletter.  The finances
really stink from my perspective as a businessman.  I think that these
people's campaigns must pony up some money for the newsletter if their
statements and photos are included.  The pre-requisite for the current
people with statements was that they needed to be dues paying members.
Well, if these people are not or cannot join the club, they need to each
send at least $15 into the club.  

On the same note, I received an e-mail from Lamar Heystek, who stated that
he has paid his dues to the Davis Democrat Club and this has been varified
by Betty Weir.  He was upset that he was not asked for a statement and
picture and that his web site was not included on the Democrat Club web
site.  He is so upset, he still has not replied to my e-mail nor has he sent
me the URL of his web site to be included on the homepage of the club web
site.  His statement and picture needs to be included in this newsletter.
He also needs to be offered the chance to advertise in the newsletter.

I talked to another boardmember and his comment was that "if the other
candidates are allowed to send in their statements, this issue of the
newsletter should prominantly display who the Yolo County Democrats are
endorsing and who the Democrat Club Board is endorsing in the newsletter.
Actually, the newsletter should be doing this either way the editorial
policy decision is made."

He also stated "we need to prominently state party affilliation in the
newsletter [candidate] statements.  Even though this is a non-partisan
office, this is a partisan newsletter."  This has happened before to this
organization.  We already gave in once when we allowed Stan Forbes to speak
at the club forum, 4 years ago.  He was the only non-Democrat allowed at the



My mother told me I was getting statements from all the candidates.  I
thought it meant ALL the candidates.  But instead it meant I was getting
statements from all the Democratic candidates.

I don't think that in this case, there are clear party lines on what the
City Council candidates stand for.  Donna Lott only registered as a Democrat
this fall, and Mike Harrington supports Democrats for federal and state
offices.  And I don't feel good about not representing their point of view.

Also, Donna Lott sent me a candidate statement that specifically criticized
policies of Greenwald, Forbes, and Harrington.  So I don't like having that
in there and not having Forbes' and Harrington's point of view.

My preference would be for all City Council candidates to have a statement,
and I thought my mother was going to represent that at the meeting (that's
what I told her when we discussed this a couple months ago).  I consider
City Council a nonpartisan office.

I would like the Board to consider agreeing to allowing all statements.



I sympathize with Anais's point of view - even though I said the opposite at
the meeting.  With the new Democratic Club members (Donna Lott and the grad
student whose name slips my mind), this has ballooned into something other
than the DDC-stalwart flyer it was looking like at the beginning).  I cannot
hugely distinguish the views of the two non-DDC members from the rest of the

Here's the problem:  while Anais was busy with finals, I was handling the
emails.  Instead of a favor, this has turned out to be a disaster.  Anais
didn't know I was saying "registered Democrat and DDC member in good

Anais feels bad volunteering for something she views as unfair.  This would
not be the case in a partisan election, such as Congress, Legislature, gov,
or pres.  It's easy to motivate Anais to go all out to get the Democrats in
partisan offices, as the alternative is conservative Republicans.  She will,
I believe, have no enthusiasm promoting MOST candidates at the detriment of
only 2, when the differences are not between liberal and conservative, but
rather differences on various city issues.

The question becomes: do DDC bylaws require Democratic registration?  If so,
would the Board accept a paid statement, comparable to DDC dues?

I would also like that people's policies not be criticized by name without
their having a chance to respond.  For example, if Donna says "Sue thinks X
and she's wrong" then Sue needs a chance to say "Yes, I think X and here's
why" or "No, I don't think X.  I think Y."  Therefore I additionally propose
the following policy options:

A.  The candidate only describes his/her own vision (done by everyone but


B.  There is right of response following any statement purporting to
represent and analyze the views of an opponent (that would be Donna's
statement, only, I think).


Before Anais finishes the newsletter, she requests the Board reach an
agreement on the first issue here, and I request agreement on the 2nd:

1)  Can she please invite the other CC candidates to donate and give a

2)  Can people please say they approve option "A" or "B" or "neither" or
"either" (and which they prefer).


MY VOTE:  Yes on (1).  (2A) preferred over (2B) - both better than allowing
discussion of others without their response.

G Richard Yamagata  PhD
CEO/President   VME Inc.   http://www.vme.net/
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G Richard Yamagata is a member of the Davis Community Network Board of 
Directors and secretary of the board of the Davis Democrat Club
The thoughts expressed are my own and do not reflect the policies or opinions

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