[Davis Democrats] 24 Hour Reminder Davis Democrat Club board meeting on November 8th

G Richard Yamagata PhD yamagata at virtual-markets.net
Sun Nov 7 18:39:03 PST 2004

This e-mail is to announce that there will be Davis a Democrat Club Board
meeting within 24 hours on November 8th.

Rita Martin, who is on this e-mailing list as a club member, would like a
decision or vote on her volunteering for the office of membership chair.  It
is my understanding that this club office's duties were being done by Lyle
Smith and John Chendo during the 2004 campaign, but this will all have to be
discussed, if this item is placed on the agenda.  It was also my
understanding that there were disccussions going on to pare down the board
so that we do not have to rent the Blanchard Room for our meetings.
Currently, there are 28 names on the Davis Democrat Club board list.  Of
these names, 25 of these people are active boardmembers that have been
attending the meetings and were active in Campaign 2004.  This is all slated
to be discussed at the December meeting unless someone wants to discuss it
at this meeting and place it on the agenda.  Please note that if we add
anything more to the agenda, the meeting will go on later than 8PM.

Pam Nieberg has already informed me that she will not be able to make this
meeting because of another meeting that is scheduled each month on the 2nd
Monday of the month.  

DDC Board Meeting
Time: 7 PM to 8:04 PM
Place: The Davis Campaign Headquarters at 5th and L Street
(The December meeting is tentatively scheduled to be at the Blanchard Room,
Davis Branch of the Yolo County Library on December 6th.)

Preliminary Agenda -- this is only a preliminary agenda.  The agenda will
change as items are added at the meeting to it.  Please print this out and
bring it to the meeting.  I will bring about 15 copies of this preliminary
agenda and 5 copies of the minutes from September.  I will need to find out
what happened to the minutes taken at the October meeting, which I missed.

The minutes on the web are the following:
http://yvm.net/vme/democrats/min0409.htm -- September 6, 2004 -- Not
officially approved
http://yvm.net/vme/democrats/min0408.htm -- August 2, 2004 -- Unknown status

        Davis Democratic Club Meeting Agenda 
                November 8, 7 pm - 8pm
The Davis Campaign Headquarters at 5th and L Street

I.  Introduction   (8 minutes -- usually takes 2 minutes)
        i.	Approval of Agenda
        ii.	Approval of Minutes for past meetings 
                ( http://yvm.net/vme/democrats/min0409.htm )
        iii.	Minutes from other clubs and campus Democrats 
                (usually no one shows up from these groups)

II.  Treasurer's Report     (4 minutes)

III. Campaign 2004 (15 minutes)
        i.	Closing headquarters report and comments.
        ii.     Yolo Beat Bush report and comments.

IV.  The DDC Holiday Party (10 minutes)
        i.	Report from chairs on this event
        ii.	Additional planning and requests

V.   The Winter General Meetings in January and February (7 minutes)
        i.	Report on last year's event
        ii.	Appointment of chairs for 2005 Winter events.

VI.  Content of the Next Newsletter (6 minutes)
        i.	Update by Current Editor
        ii.	Story ideas

VII.  New and Unfinished Business (12 minutes)
        i.	New items
        ii.	Announcements
        iii.	Next Meeting Time/Location
        iv.	Meeting adjournment

Time:  62 minutes

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