[Davis Democrats] Minutes for Davis Democrat Club General Meeting on Tuesday April 4

G Richard Yamagata PhD yamagata at virtual-markets.net
Tue Apr 4 21:49:31 PDT 2006

                Davis Democratic Club Meeting 
                Tuesday, April 4, 7 pm - 9 pm
     Place: Blanchard Room of the Davis Branch of the Yolo County Library.  
                    315 East 14th Street.

These minutes are for the General Meeting of the Davis Democrat Club meeting
held on April 4th in the Blanchard Room from 7PM to 9 PM.

There were 58 people present (only 40 people signed into the meeting log
book) and of these 15 of 18 of the Davis Democrat Club Board were present.
This was a fantastic turnout with 20 more people than our general meeting
for club elections.  

Arun Sen presided as president of the Davis Democrat Club.  The meeting was
called to order at 7:45 PM.

Speakers were:

Yolo County District Attorney Candidate:  Pat Lenzi
Yolo County Assessor Candidate:  Joe Butler
Davis City Council, Re-election Candidate:  Ruth Asmundsen
Davis City Council Candidate:  Lamar Heystek
Davis City Council Candidate:  Mike Levy
Yolo County Supervisor Candidate (Woodland): Frank Seiferman (John Chendo
speaking for him)

Arun Sen after the forum speeches made the motion that the club endorse all
6 individual for their respective public office.  (We are the Davis Democrat
Club and will endorse Democrats and that is in our charter and by-laws.)
The motion was seconded by Tony Gruska.  The vote was done by a voice vote
and the motion carried with under 5 people opposing the resolution.  

The corresponding secretary is requested to contact all the media outlets
that the Davis Democrat Club endorses these 6 candidates in their respective
races.  Candidates that were endorsed may use the Davis Democrat Club
general membership as an endorsement in their campaigns, designated as an
endorsement by the Davis Democrat Club.

Next on the agenda, there were two speakers supporting Democratic Candidates
running in the primary for Governor of California.  

California Governor Candidate:  Phil Angelides represented by Bob Schelan.  
California Governor Candidate:  Steve Wesley represented by Aline ? 
                               (Could not find name in roll book to record
last name.)

There was no motion or vote for these candidates.  The policy of the Davis
Democrat Club according to its by-laws is that it does not endorse
Democratic Candidates for primaries of State or Federal offices.  The club
will endorse the candidate that will be running and representing the
Democratic Party in November 2006.

Davis Mayor Pro-Tem Sue Greenwald announced that this weekend is important
for those that support independent films in Davis.  Supporters of first run
independent films being show in Davis at the Varsity Theater should
patronize the film this weekend on Friday, Saturday and Sunday (April 7, 8
and 9).

Ellie Fairclough our local aide and representative for US Representative
Mike Thompson announced his annual fundraiser event.  The event in on
Sunday, April 23, 2006.  The address for this event is just down the street
from the General Meeting at the Veterans Memorial Center, 203 14th Street,
Davis.  There are multiple levels for people to sponsor this event and
tickets are available.  Please call Mary Jane Bowker at 707-226-8989 for
more information.  

Andrea Jones, our aide to County Supervisor Mariko Yamada, announced
Mariko's May Matsuri, a fundraiser event.  The event is on Sunday, May 7,
2006.  To attend, the cost is $25 for the general public and $10 for
students.  The event is at the Valente Room at 646 A Street Davis.  Please
call Andrea Jones at 756-4770 for more information.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:47PM.

Respectfully submitted by:
G Richard Yamagata
Recording Secretary
Davis Democrat Club

G Richard Yamagata  PhD
CEO/President   VME Inc.   http://www.vme.net/

G Richard Yamagata is a member of the Davis Community Network Board of 
Directors, a member of the board of the Business Link of Woodland and Davis,
Secretary of the Board of Directors for the Davis Democrat Club, President 
of the board of Virtual Market Enterprises, Inc, Secretary-Treasurer 
of the board of the Davis Progressive Business Exchange and communications 
liason of the Independent Order of Oddfellows Chapter 169.

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at:  http://www.vme.net/opera/
Davis Virtual Market - http://virtual-markets.net/vme/
Fresno - http://vme.net/fvm/   Rochester, NY - http://vme.net/rvm/  
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Woodland  - http://vme.net/wvm/   
"Pet, Vets, You, and Dr.Sue - http://vme.net/dvm/DrSue/ 

The thoughts expressed are my own and do not reflect the policies or opinions

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