[Davis Democrats] Join Gene Stille and Lois Wolk for Yolo 4 SMUD-Davis fundraiser Oct 22nd

G Richard Yamagata PhD yamagata at virtual-markets.net
Thu Oct 19 16:37:13 PDT 2006

Greetings All,

First, it is a little known fact that the Board of the Davis Democratic Club
voted to endorse Measure H & I (see minutes from our September meeting).
So, I am posting this e-mail to this list.

The following is an announcement from the desk of Stephen Souza.  Please try
to turn out for this event.  Stephen has a beautiful home with plant
arboretum in his back yard featuring California native plant life.  He also
has a magnificent koi pond with a babbling brook.  If you have not ever
visited Stephen and Robin's home, this is a chance to see it.

Hi Friend, 

This is a friendly reminder of the upcoming SMUD fundraiser dinner, this
Sunday Oct. 22 at the home of Stephen & Robin Souza.  The address is 2424
Rodin Place in Wildhorse.

If you plan to come and have already RSVP'd, Thank You!  Please note that
the beginning time has changed to 4 p.m. to accommodate another event.

The attached donation form and invitation provide the information you'll
need to participate. If you can not make it PLEASE use the donation form and
send whatever you can.

If you have not RSVP'd, please do so.  [e-mail address is sasouza at sbcglobal.net]

Thank you,
Councilmember Stephen Souza, Treasurer, Yolo 4 SMUD - Davis 

-------------- next part --------------
G Richard Yamagata  PhD
CEO/President   VME Inc.   http://www.vme.net/

G Richard Yamagata is a member of the Davis Community Network Board of 
Directors, a member of the board of the Business Link of Woodland and Davis,
Secretary of the Board of Directors for the Davis Democratic Club, President 
of the board of Virtual Market Enterprises, Inc, Secretary-Treasurer 
of the board of the Davis Progressive Business Exchange and communications 
liason of the Independent Order of Oddfellows Chapter 169.

========================== The Virtual Markets =============================
Visit The Woodland Opera House
at:  http://www.vme.net/opera/
Davis Virtual Market - http://virtual-markets.net/vme/
Fresno - http://vme.net/fvm/   Rochester, NY - http://vme.net/rvm/  
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"Pet, Vets, You, and Dr.Sue - http://vme.net/dvm/DrSue/ 

The thoughts expressed are my own and do not reflect the policies or opinions

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