[Dhsbb-jazz] Band Boosters' meeting on Thursday, Oct 12

DHS Band Boosters - Jazz Band dhsbb-jazz at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us
Tue Oct 10 09:40:55 PDT 2006

The Band Boosters' monthly meeting will be held Thursday, October 12th, from 7:30 - 8:30 pm in the Band Practice Room (PA-3).  Due to several events that conflicted with the September meeting, Fred Lange has offered again to award points to a Band student whose parents were unable to attend the September meeting and who attend the October meeting.  A student will receive 25 points if one parent attends and 30 points if both parents attend. By attending the meeting, you can also verify the information currently posted in the Band students' database.

Agenda items include reports on the Jazz Band's performance at last month's Monterey Jazz Festival, the successful car wash and rummage sale held last Saturday, the Direct Donation Appeal campaign, notice of an organizational meeting for the Coconut Grove Planning Committee and information on coming musical events in October, November and December. Susan Hulsizer, our newsletter editor, will be explaining how you can opt to receive your monthly Band Boosters' newsletter electronically -- which will help save printing and postage costs for the Band Boosters. She also will be asking your opinion on whether the electronic newsletter posted to the Band Boosters' web site should include full names, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses. 

Steve Williams
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