[Dhsbb-jazz] Fw: Confirmation for sizes of shirts

J. Hamaguchi jhamaguchi at hotmail.com
Tue Sep 15 13:54:38 PDT 2009

If you need to respond, do not hit your reply key - Please reply directly  to chenchinlin at gmail.com 


Hi Jazz Band Parents,

Thank you for your prompt inputs for the sizes of shirts. I just like to confirm with you for the sizes I got as follows, 

Ian Blake                         15½,  32/33                                                                              

Eric Boone                        15,   32/33               

Issac Bunch                       15 , 32/33                

Bryan Chen                      15  32/33                                                                             

James Chinn                      15,  32/33                 

Kevin Choy                       15½, 34/35            

Jean Coleman                   14½(as small as possible)         

Jacob Cross                       16½, 32/33 

Jon Hatamiya                   17, 32/33                     

Neil Heaton                      16, 32/33                     

Jenny Horn                        14½(as small as possible)

Christopher Hunt              16, 34/35                

Alejandro Lavernia          16½, 32/33             

Erik Maroney                    16,   34/35                                    

Alex Matlock                     16,   32/33

Andrew McCauley             16,   34/35              

Colin McDaniel                  16½,  34/35                                                

Ignacio Mendez-Nunez     15½,  34/35           

John Miller                         15½,  34/35           

Liliana Moore                    14½(as small as possible)

Tenaya Natov                   15, 32/33               

Spencer Park                     16 , 34/35             

Kevin Qi                             15, 32/33

Ryan Shickman                  15½, 34/35                                       

Jung-Eun Shin                    14½, 32/33  

Bryan    Soto                      15,  32/33                                             

Jonathan Wardrip              16½ ,  35/36                             

Reply to chenchinlin at gmail.com ONLY when you found a wrong size for your kid. And we will be able to order the shirts by tomorrow. As for the final cost, a bill will be sent home along with shirts and ties when they are delivered. I will also sent you a soft copy through emails. Thanks for your patience and supports.


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