[env-trinity] TMC Meeting Agenda, Redding Dec 5-6

Tom Stokely tstokely at att.net
Mon Dec 3 08:05:50 PST 2018

There is a possibility that the meeting on Dec 5 may be postponed due to a federal office closure from the death of former President G.H.W. Bush.  I will keep you informed.

Program Refinements Meeting – WednesdayDecember 5, 2018  

Location: Shasta-Trinity National Forest Supervisor’s Office

3644 Avtech Parkway, Redding


Agenda(WebEx info at bottom of page)


9:00     Introductions                                    Meeting facilitated by Mike Harty, Kearns & West

                                                                        Chad Smith attending via phone

9:15     Review/Discussion Refinements Recommendation #1 – Cooperative Agreement

            Ideas on how to approach/Process

            Determine signatories

10:30  Review/Discussion Refinements Recommendation #2 – Develop Single TRRP Foundational Document

11:15  Break

11:30 continue -Review/Discussion Refinements Recommendation #2 – Develop Single TRRP Foundational Document

            How should this be approached?  Who on TMC should do what tasks?

12:00   Lunch

1:15     Review/Discussion Refinements Recommendation #3 – Adaptive Management Plan

            How should this be approached?  Who on TMC should do what tasks?

2:30     Break

2:45    Discussion/recommendations/scheduling of 2019 Refinements meetings

            Bimonthly? Quarterly?  Number of Days?

3:15     Review of Cooperative Agreement Template / editing

4:30     Adjourn

6:00  TMC Dinner Wednesday– Cheesecakes Unlimited

Located:  1135 Pine Street, Redding 


Refinements - Dec 5

Call-in number:1-408-792-6300
Passcode: 803 981 350        

Web link: https://trrp.webex.com/trrp/j.php?MTID=m856555d1b4e861db8a0970bc36dede8a


December 2018 Quarterly Meeting –Thursday December 6, 2018

Location: Shasta-Trinity National Forest Supervisor’s Office 

3644 Avtech Parkway, Redding

Agenda (WebEx info on page 2)


Thursday December 6, 2018 

Time                                                                                                               Discussion Leader

Regular Business:

9:00                 Introductions:                                                                       Don Bader, Chair

§ Welcome and Introductions

§ Approval of Agenda 

§ Approval of September TMC Meeting Minutes

§ CVP Operations Update 


9:30                 Public Forum:  Comments from the public                          Don, Chair

9:45                 Report from Executive Director                                          Caryn Huntt DeCarlo

Information / Decision Items:

10:30               Presentation Klamath Dam Removals                               Mark Bransom, 

CEO Klamath River Renewal Corporation


11:00               Break

11:45               TMC approval of 2019 meeting and teleconference          Caryn

                        dates   Decision Item                         


12:00               Lunch 

1:15                 Hamilton Ponds Adaptive Management                           Damon Goodman 



2:00                 Science Advisory Board Formulation   Decision Item       Jenny Norris

3:00                 Break

3:15                 Quarterly Budget Update   Decision Item                          Caryn


3:45                 Update ROC on Coordinated LTO of CVP and SWP      TBD




4:00                 Topics for March Meeting                                                   TMC members/Caryn

4:15                 Public Forum:  Comments from the public                          Don, Chair

4:30                 Adjourn


TMC - Day 2 - Dec 6

Call-in number: 1-408-792-6300   Passcode: 806 076 336

Web link: https://trrp.webex.com/trrp/j.php?MTID=m0ed3ce2fa5f51ca5dbd474c21681b290



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