[Davis Democrats] Memorial for Mel Trujillo

Rhonda & Anthony Gruska rjgruska at pacbell.net
Mon Apr 16 13:44:36 PDT 2007

  The memorial service for Mel Trujillo will be held on April 23rs at 11:00 am at St. James Church.  The obituary will run in the Davis Enterprise and Sacramento Bee on Thursday.  Please pass this message on to anyone who might like to attend.
  If you would like to help out, please bring a dish to the reception. If your last name begins with
  A-E Appetizers & beverage (ie:chips and dip, veggie tray, etc)
  F-J Side dish & beverage (ie: salads, beans, bread, etc)
  K-S Entree (ie: tamales, KFC, pizza, ham, etc.)
  T-Z Desserts 

Rhonda and Tony Gruska 
Monticello Bistro 
5 East Main St. 
Winters, CA 95694 
(530) 792-8066

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