[Dhsbb-jazz] Special Edition: DHS Band Boosters Newsletter

Patrick McGuire pemcg at pacbell.net
Tue Apr 16 07:21:31 PDT 2013

Greetings Band Boosters, alumni, and friends,

Attached please find a Special Edition of the DHS Band Boosters 
Newsletter focusing on the potential reorganization of the 
configuration of grades 9 through 12 in the Davis Joint Unified 
School District. The newsletter provides some background on the 
issues and contains a letter of concern sent recently by the Band 
Boosters to District Board members and administrators.

At the next District Board meeting, the agenda 
includes a 'Reconfiguration Workshop and Discussion'. This meeting is 
tomorrow April 18, at 7:00pm in the City of Davis Community Chambers, 
located at 23 Russell Boulevard. The Band Boosters organization 
encourages interested persons to attend.

The next usual issue of the Newsletter will follow in early May.

Thank you,
Pat McGuire
Newsletter Editor
pemcg at pacbell.net
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