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You are here: Home About DCN DCN Board of Directors Board Minutes September 18, 2007

September 18, 2007

DCN Board Minutes September 2007

Davis Community Network (DCN)
A duly called regular meeting of the Board of the Davis Community Network was held
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
at the City of Davis Training Room, 600 A Street.

Present: Tsui Chang, Jim Frame, Anne Hance, Steve McMahon, Jan Meizel, Kimball Sargeant, Vicki Suter, also Rian Graves and Kari Peterson.
On Leave: Brian Gegan
Absent:  Rick Guidara,  John Jones,  Robert Nickerson,  Tom Stanionis,   Richard Yamagata.

1.  Called to order at 5:20:00 pm by President Kimball Sargeant
2.  Agenda approved as distributed
3.  No public comment
4.  Minutes of August 21, 2007 Board Meeting approved by consensus

At this point President Sargeant decided to jump ahead in the agenda to item 8 while we waited for Kari Peterson to arrive at which time we reverted back to the agreed upon order of items.

5.  Outreach, Promotions Committee (OPC) Report:
    Kari noted that there is a scheduled meeting of the OPC. She outlined the updating of DCN's Strategic Plan, which is not yet finished because it needs to respond to and be consistent with the branding work of the OPC.  However, the draft does provide a framework for the work of the OPC.

6.  Nominations Committee
    Kari has done some preliminary work (e.g. a chart for analysis of current board member skills etc.) She commented on the importance of board training/education by means of speakers to board meetings and workshops.  Kari also mentioned the potential of being involved in the Sacramento Nonprofit Resource center "Board Link."  There followed discussion of where to look for board prospects and some ideas surfaced that will be followed up on by individuals as appropriate.

7.  Finance and Fund Development Committee (FFD)
    Kari reminded the board of the composition of this group and Jan commented that she was a member of the group when it was formed in April 2006. The official membership is: Jim Frame, Richard Yamagata, Jan Meizel, Anne Hance and Kari.  The group has several tasks including: looking for an intern to help develop a fund development plan, development of a budget for 2007 - 2008, and looking for board nominees with fund raising experience.

8.  Database Work Group
    Rian reported that a second meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Sep 25 in the City Training Room.  There was brief discussion about the issues and 'Sales Force' appears to be a front-runner choice for a number of good reasons.  Tsui reminded the board that there should be an item in the budget to pay for training in whatever is selected.  Vicki noted that policies will need to be developed to deal with privacy issues. 

9.  Volunteer Management Program Report
    Vicki and Rian reported that the project's defining issues are in DCN's space on Open Plan and Rian is continually refining and expanding the information.

10.  Committee Reports
    RAC:   Anne said requests are slow except for Mailman and Calendars - the schools being the busiest applicants right now.  She asked board members to be ambassadors for the resources and to encourage local groups to make inquiries.
Jan suggested that we make sure that the new DJUSD tech person is up to speed with what DCN does.
    Web Team:   Steve noted that several well-attended and successful classes have been held recently. There are several more to come and they will be advertised in DCNews and the Enterprise.

Meeting adjourned at 6:50 pm.
Submitted by Anne Hance, Secretary

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