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You are here: Home About DCN DCN Board of Directors Board Minutes November 20, 2007

November 20, 2007

DCN Board Minutes November 2007

Davis Community Network (DCN)

A duly called regular meeting of the
Board of the Davis Community Network was held
Tuesday, NOVEMBER 20, 2007
at the City of Davis Training Room
600 A Street.

Present: Tsui Chang, Jim Frame, Anne Hance, Steve McMahon,  Kimball Sargeant,  Vicki Suter, also Kari Peterson, consultant
Absent: Rick Guidara, Jan Meizel, Robert Nickerson, Tom Stanionis,  Richard Yamagata

1.  Called to order at 5:19:00 pm by President Kimball Sargeant
2.  Agenda approved as distributed
3.  No public comment
4.  Minutes of Oct 16 Board Meeting approved by consensus

5.  ARIN Netblock: report on action:
    Jim Frame reported that Jack Crowell has submitted the application with the required named Authorized Officer, Technical Contact (Crowell), Administrative Contact (Frame), and Billing Contact (Admin: Evans)

6.      Brief discussion of status of MOUs    &
8.      Finance & Fund Development Comm. report
    Kari Peterson reported on the first meeting of the Finance and Fund Development Committee (FFDC), which will meet from now on a regular schedule of second Fridays of each month at 10 a.m.
    The FFDC has a number of goals for the remainder of the 07-08 year: a) develop a Fund Development Plan; b) prepare an 07-08 budget that considers cash flow and staffing needs; c) raise $6,000 in new monies, for example by finding sponsors such as an annual DCN Calendar sponsor; d) review MOUs and try to bring their income in-line with current or new activity plans related to each. (Kimball will continue working on the proposed MOU with the Recorders Office.)  We have 3 MOUs involving finances and one regarding services (I-House), should one be developed with the YCCF (Yolo County Community Foundation)?
    Kari reported that the new intern, Brett McCarty, will be researching ways of online fund raising and will compile a listing of deadlines for applying to local groups that fundraise for selected beneficiaries.
    The GSM (Graduate School of Management) Intern application was submitted but there was a transmission snafu and by the time we knew this and re-submitted most students had already selected a project for the Winter Quarter so success is very uncertain.
9.      Digital Literacy Toolkit report
    Vicki circulated copies of a one-page handout, which diagrammed the features of the Toolkit and outlined the way they might be used by three levels of non-profits. She reported that the Salesforce database will be set up by a new intern who will start on November 29; she and Rian will work with him.
    Kari passed out a draft-page outlining six types of non-profits that might constitute the pilot sample. The types suggested were distinguished by their type in terms of: services, advocacy, activity, members, programs, education.

10.     Receive & approve Strategic Plan - discussion of this item was removed from the agenda but Kimball agreed to review the introduction drafted by Kari.

11.     Outreach & Promotion Comm. (OPC) report
    Kari circulated a two-page draft of a DCN Brand Chart on which she laid out three ways of framing DCN. Frame #2, which outlined 3 aspects of DCN, was the board's preferred example. The finalized brand chart will be used to inform the person or persons who are tasked with developing a new logo and tag line.

7.      Yolo Community Calendar report   &
12.     Brief discussion: reinvigorating YARN
    Tsui and Anne reported that people attending the recent Yolo County Community Foundation (YCCF) roundtable meeting showed serious interest in a Yolo County Aggregated Calendar.  The YCCF executive director has provided 192 email addresses of people on her contact list (representatives of area non-profits). The issue of how to proceed was discussed:
    a) Steve will set up the calendar
    b) Tsui and Anne have drafted an email invitation and distributed it on the Board List for review.
    c) The invitation invokes YARN in order to make the project more applicable for countywide non-profits. This raised the question of appropriateness and so Richard Lowenberg will be asked to comment.
    b) DCN will send the email invitation (when approved) to each of the 192 addresses. This raised the question of how to send out 192 email messages. Since these addresses are 'borrowed' from the YCCF without the specific knowledge or agreement of the address owners we need to be very circumspect in their use.  The question was also raised about the reply-to address for the invitation.
    These issues remain to be resolved and will be addressed at the November 30th Executive Committee lunch meeting.

13.     Committee reports  - none
14.     Announcements  - Vicki has a December date for the first of her two oral dissertation-defenses.
15.     Adjournment    7:00 p.m.

NEXT BOARD MEETING: December 18, 2007

Submitted by Anne Hance, Secretary

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