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October 19, 2010

DCN Board Minutes October 2010

Approved Nov 16, 2010


Davis Community Network Board of Directors Meeting

October 19, 2010 at 5:15 p.m.

City Computer Lab, A Street, Davis, CA


Members Present  (8): Bill Buchanan, Tsui Chang, Jim Frame, Brian Gegan, Teri Greenfield, Anne Hance, Russ Hobby, Kimball Sargeant (Chair), 

Members Absent (4): Jan Meizel, Steve McMahon, Robert Nickerson, and Richard Yamagata. 


1. Call to Order 5:17 p.m. by President Kimball Sargeant

2. The agenda was approved by consensus

3. Public comment: None

4. The minutes of the 09/21/10 regular board meeting were approved by consensus


5. Board member Resignation

Brian Gegan announced that, due to work and travel commitments he needed to resign from the board. Brian commented that he has enjoyed his years on the board and continues to see DCN as a valuable community organization.  Board members expressed their appreciation of the many ways in which Brian has enhanced the board meetings and the work of DCN. Especially noted were his development of the work of the nominations committee and the Board strategic retreats that he enabled.  The Board thanked Brian for his service and wished him well.


6. City Media Grant - brainstorming

Kimball noted that he and Tsui Chang met with Deputy City Manager Kelly Stachowicz and had a productive discussion about the Media Grant and the draft application document. Then the board discussed the various aspects of DCN's work and mission that might be addressed in a proposal to the City. The proposal will be drafted by the OPC (Outreach and Promotions Committee); it will need to be submitted by the due date of December 10, 2010.


7. Fall Classes Report 

Tsui Chang summarized the progress of the Fall Class Series and noted the several still to come. Participation has been good in most cases although the Web Accessibility class participation was well below expectations. The instructor provided several CDs of the class outline and online resources. These will be given to Sheila Evans (DCN's 'admin') and filed in the DCN office.


8. Board Recruitment

Brian said that his chart and other information is on Google Docs and that committee member Russ Hobby has access to these and will continue the committee's work of building up the board with new members who have been identified as possessing skills and experience needed by DCN.  Kari Peterson is the other member of the nominations committee and it was suggested that a third member would be helpful.


9. Committee reports

RAC: Jan Meizel was absent but had reported to Kimball that one new application had been approved.

Web Team: No report in Steve's absence.

OPC: Teri reported that the committee will continue to work on DCN testimonials and will start work on the City Media Grant Proposal.


10. Announcements: None

11. Adjournment at 6:20 p.m.

NEXT BOARD MEETING: November 16, 2010


Humbly submitted, Anne Hance, Secretary <>

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