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You are here: Home About DCN DCN Board of Directors Board Minutes July 19, 2011

July 19, 2011

DCN Board Minutes July 2011

No board meeting held during June.


Davis Community Network Board of Directors Meeting

July 19, 2011

5:15 p.m.

City Training Lab, A Street, Davis


Board Members present: Bill Buchanan, Tsui Chang, Sheila Evans, Jim Frame, Anne Hance, Teri Greenfield, Jan Meizel, 

Board Members absent: Russ Hobby, Steve McMahon, Robert Nickerson, Kimball Sargeant, Richard Yamagata


1. The meeting was called to order at 5:20

2. Agenda was approved as distributed

3. No public comment

4. The minutes of the 5/17/11 board meeting were approved with the correction of the names of attendees as communicated by author Jim Frame in May. Approval was moved by Jan Meizel and seconded by Sheila Evans and passed unanimously.


5. Internet History Project (Bill) 

Bill reported that a Google Docs document for this project has been set up. Jeff Shaw of DMA continues to be very interested in the creation of the project, which is planned to be a documentary showing the way DCN and a number of Davis Citizens worked to mould the way Internet technology was deployed in Davis in the early 1980's and how that influenced some of the ways the Internet itself developed.

Bill and Teri will now meet with Jim Becket of the Hattie Weber Museum and also with Jeff Shaw in order to firm up the basic idea of the project and develop understandings of ownership and roles. Next steps will include making a list of the people involved in the 1980's, their names, roles and current contact information.


6. Committee reports 

RAC: a) Jan Meizel reported that there are 5 requests for the RAC to consider in August. b) Jan asked the Board to clarify some of the issues that are addressed in the RAC guidelines. The RAC Guidelines are being reviewed as part of the RAC's responsibility for preparing a web version of a "DCN Resource-Tool-Users Guidebook."  

Web Team / Classes: Tsui Chang pointed out that DCN's Fall class series need to be planned now.  She will send out a request for ideas and volunteer presenters.

OPC:  The 5-minute slideshow movie about DCN is done.  The material for the tutorials being produced for the City Media Grant is moving forward now that the hardware and software are in place.


7. Announcements: Bill showed the ComputerWorld Honors Laureate medallion received by DCN. Anne will take a photograph  (of the medal draped over a computer screen of DCN's homepage) which will be put up on the DCN website.


8. Adjournment: 6:19 pm


Humbly submitted by Anne Hance, Board Secretary

NEXT BOARD MEETING: August 16, 2011

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