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You are here: Home About DCN DCN Board of Directors Board Minutes Minutes for July 15, 2014

Minutes for July 15, 2014

Financial updates; fall class planning; board turnover

Bill called us to order at 5:25pm

Members: Bill Buchanan, Sheila Evans, Jim Frame, Teri Greenfield, Anne Hance, Russ Hobby, Jan Meizel, Steve McMahon, Robert Nickerson (9 active members; quorum = 5)

Present: Bill, Teri, Anne, Jan, Steve
Absent: Sheila, Jim, Robert, Russ 

Approve minutes from June, 5:20

Approved by consensus

City MOU negotiations update, Jim, 5:22

In Jim’s absence, Bill gave a brief update.

Financial update, Sheila and Jim

UCD has started using the IP addresses. We want to follow up to make sure that payment will be arriving soon.
Steve will get in touch with Clerk-Recorder’s office about MOU.

Classes this fall, Bill

Bill suggested that we each come up with one thing we can teach or arrange. Some can be at connections cafe.
Bill may be able to arrange security.
Steve will do cutting cable again. Plus tools.
Can help arrange an elections class: looking up reg/vbm/polling place.
Anne volunteered to do a “searches” course.
Jan can do tablets.
Skype/Google Hangouts
Chromebooks (Steve)

Looking ahead to 2015: board turnover, Bill

We may have one or more losses of long-term board members. We may need new members. In the past we’ve explored this by broaching names in advance to avoid possible conflicts.
Criteria: interest in communications/information technology. Interest in community in general and community building in particular.
We’re probably looking for 2-3 people.
This could be good for empty nesters or new to town.
So, let’s all start looking for names -- or asking our contacts for possible names.
Anne asked if we might have somewhere a list of people contacted in the past who might have been busy then, but available now. Perhaps inherited from Brian?

Committee reports

Anne asked if it’s time to get the finance committee back at work? To work on lowering expenses. We should discuss this Friday.



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