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You are here: Home About DCN DCN Board of Directors Board Minutes Minutes for December 16, 2014

Minutes for December 16, 2014

New city MOU discussion, board and officer nominating committees

Called to order at 5:21pm
Members: Mike Adams, Bill Buchanan, Sheila Evans, Jim Frame, Teri Greenfield, Anne Hance, Russ Hobby, Jan Meizel, Steve McMahon, Robert Nickerson, Bill Wagman (11 active members; quorum = 6)


1. Call to order
Present: Mike, Bill B, Bill W, Steve, Robert, Teri, Jim, Anne
Absent: Sheila, Russ, Jan


2. Agenda approval
Approved by acclamation


3. Public comment, 5:17

No public

4. Approve minutes from November

Approved by acclamation

5. Spam filter update, Rob

Rob reported that the Barracuda hardware failed. Running on a cloud backup.

6. Update on writing a new MOU with the city; Jim, Mike

Anne, Mike, Bill B and Bill W met to do drafting work on a new MOU. It is substantially shorter since it won't include technical services. Mike did most of the drafting work.

Anne was concerned that a more formal section on responsibilities is now missing. Automatic renewal, for example. After discussion, agreement that those should go back in.

Jim suggested adding a 1-page history of DCN, which he'll write.

Steve will send a brief bit on intellectual property ownership. All will be copyright by DCN, but published under an OSI-approved open-source license.

Mike will move this into a copy that everyone can see.

We're aiming towards a Jan 10 completion.

7. Nominating committee for board members and officers for 2015; Jim, Bill W.

There's one committee for the board members, and one for the officers. There are different procedures and requirements. The member committee is already appointed.

The officer nomination committee will be appointed by Bill B. Bill discussed the responsibilities of officers and the president in particular. 

Anne noted that there are responsibilities that are more administrative in nature and could possibly be assigned to Sheila, as administrative assistant. We need to check with her about the current time-consumption of her responsibilities. We discussed possible volunteers for each position.

Bill B. will take care of the officer nomination committee: Bill W., Kimball Sargeant, Bill B. Bill will convene.

On members, everybody but Rob, Russ and Jan are expiring

8. Upcoming classes, Sheila

Rob is teaching tonight! And left at this time.

7. Committee reports; new members for web team?

Steve will get together a meeting in January to introduce what the web team does and can do.


8. Announcements


9. Adjournment & thanks, and a happy new year to all



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