Minutes for August 18, 2015
Resignation, Art Project Request, Finance Report, Fundraising
We met at Davis Makerspace building. Rob called the meeting to order at 5:20pm.
Present (9): Mike Adams, Bill Buchanan, Teri Greenfield, Anne Hance, Steve McMahon, Jan Meizel, Robert Nickerson, Braden Pellett, Bill Wagman
Absent(3): Sheila Evans, Jim Frame, Shelley Maddex
Quorum (Quorum is 7)
Agenda -- accepted 5:21 p.m.
Public comment none
Approval of Minutes from July approved
Acceptance of Board Resignation of Shelley Maddex
Shelley tendered her resignation which the board accepted. There was some discussion of possible reasons, and it was pointed out that Shelley had recently been promoted and had limited time.
Update on MOU and Meeting with the city.. It was reported that Jim had received a standard contract from the city for DCN services at $1,000/month. Awaiting an update from Jim.
Financial report
Board members discussed how to proceed so that we might have regular financial reports. While different possibilities were discussed, it was agreed that the goal was to get data to be formatted into a report rather than duplicating accounting in any way. Treasurer Bill Wagman agreed to speak to our accountant Robert Salazar, but wanted to discuss with Sheila first to be clear on needs. All agreed that it was important to have information in the same format month to month so that comparisons month to month and year to year could be made.
DCN Umbrella-ship for undothefall.com
Rob presented the board with a draft MOU for an agreement between DCN and the artist. Board members wanted to be sure that they had access to an explanation of the art piece and the artist’s goals, and it was remarked that it was on the artist’s website http://www.undothefall.com. Steve moved the following - Based on our longstanding interest in using network computers for expression and using recycled computer components, the DCN board authorizes Rob Nickerson to sign an MOU with Larry Dietrich for this art project. The motion was seconded and passed.
DCN Fund Raising
There was a wide ranging discussion, here are some highlights:
Anne supplied the First Northern Bank philanthropy form
Steve added donation buttons to the DCN web page and discussed where funders might be acknowledged
Rob will again be tabling at Davis Farmers’ Market for the community fiber project. He met with Activists interested in helping Aug 5th. He has meetings planned with Fujitsu Networking to discuss their experience in fiber rollouts in other communities (locations and participants to be determined). He has a meeting planned with the DJUSD director of instructional technology, and with city staff regarding the project.
Mike offered to compile a list of possible funders and spearhead the compilation of materials needed to approach potential funding organizations.
Jan discussed the possibility of compiling a summary of the history of the organization and its accomplishments.
Bill B agreed to followup to determine best approach to UC collaboration after Rob’s letter to UC Network Communication failed to elicit a definitive response.
Committee Reports
Jan reported that she will solicit request for DCN support services in September and expects a renewed response at that time.
NEXT BOARD MEETING: September 15. 2015, Location TBA
Adjournment 6:10