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You are here: Home About DCN DCN Board of Directors Board Minutes Minutes for April 19, 2016

Minutes for April 19, 2016

Financial report, fundraising for Feasibility Study, Introduction of Conflict of Interest Policy, DavisGIG Update

Rob call us to order at 5:15pm 


Present: Mike Adams, Sheila Evans, Tsui Chang, Jim Frame, Teri Greenfield, Anne Hance, Jan Meizel, Steve McMahon, Robert Nickerson, Bill Wagman

Absent: None!

Agenda approval

Approved by acclamation

Public comment

Bill Buchanan visited to capture the minutes approval

Approve minutes from March

Jan moved, Mike seconded
Unanimously approved

DCN Financial report

Sheila presented a draft financial report framework in the form of a March 2016 financial report. Basic form is a P&L, separated into DCN and DavisGIG sections,  plus bank balances for DCN and DavisGIG,.

We've been receiving donations for DavisGIG, 1,883.95 so far for April.

Sheila and Bill are going to look into getting a debit card and online access to the bank account.

Jim is still working on getting city payments on the MOU. Asst. City Manager is working on it.

The two years of the IP block (half of our class B) rental to UCD have elapsed. They have an option for a third-year renewal, and are seeking authorization to pay on that. They are also interested in discussing more years. Some discussion that we need to be aware of the market value of the addresses in preparation for the next round of UCD discussions.

Anne asked how the IP6 rollout is going, since when this is successful, the old blocks won't be worth as much. No sign that the IP6 changeover is gaining momentum yet.

Steve will make sure we're up-to-date with Yolo County.

Fundraising for Feasibility Study

~$1,800 raised so far. We need to do more publicity. Rob asked for assistance with that.

Matching funds discussed before may not be working out, but the COD may be willing to be co-sponsor for this. Real estate companies might be a natural for this. Rob is talking to Chamber of Commerce, but it may not be timely.

Steve & Rob will work on letter to the editor. Steve will send current message to list admins.

Conflict of Interest Policy

Steve introduced the topic with a discussion of current IRS guidelines and a model policy.

Anne suggested modifying annual statements to become for each board term.  Steve will modify.

Steve will bring this back to the board next meeting, at which point we'll have a motion to adopt a final policy.

DavisGIG update

Rob noted that there's going to be a presentation tomorrow morning from Nokia.

Rob reported briefly on the Broadband Communities Summit. Summary: the ideas we're discussing are on track, and we expect interest in the Feasibility Study RFP. Rob also reported on some software available for demand aggregation and customer handling. Would help determine where the most possible customers are. He also talked about s/w to do actual management of network/billing.

Committee reports

No requests this period. Jan is working on a possible press release that might stir up some interest.

Next meeting location/announcements

Adjournment, 6:20pm


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