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You are here: Home About DCN DCN Board of Directors Board Minutes Minutes for November 15, 2016

Minutes for November 15, 2016

Fall retreat review; financial reporting; BDOG preparations begin

Present: Mike Adams, Tsui Chang, Jim Frame, Anne Hance, Steve McMahon, Robert Nickerson, Bill Wagman
Absent: Sheila Evans, Teri Greenfield, Jan Meizel 

Rob called us to order at 5:15

Agenda approval

Steve moved approval, Bill seconded
Unanimously approved

Public comment

No public!

Rob reported that he met with a DCN-interested person who's very interested in engaging on broadband.

Approve minutes from October 16

Mike moved approval with correction of Jan's attendance status
Anne seconded
Unanimously approved, Steve abstaining

Fall DCN Retreat Review

A retreat was held on Halloween, mainly an updater on broadband issues as they may affect DCN.

Anne asked if there was discussion of the need to add to the board. She noted that it would be good to get people with broadband interests. But, not just broadband. Classes, for example.

Mike noted that we also need volunteers – who don't necessarily want to sit on a board. He also noted that we can serve as a clearinghouse for information – in addition to classes. Anne asked if that could be a blog. Mike noted that it could also be hooking people up with common interests. Several people noted that this would work well with Facebook.

Jim noted that if we indeed take on a larger role in local broadband, it will dwarf everything else. Everything talked about before would be just an outreach arm of a larger organization. It might also require a physical space.

Jim raised the topic from the retreat of a possible pilot project.

Some board/volunteer possibilities discussed that would encourage these possibilities.

Bill suggested this needs to be addressed in more depth than possible in board meetings. Steve suggested that exec comm lunches can serve that purpose.

DCN Financial report / DCN Financial Report Template

Anne distributed a report template that she's been working on in conjunction with Sheila's data. Lots of discussion about what we want to see (how much detail and when it begins/ends) and what matches up with the accounts in our general ledger. Steve suggested we allocate an executive committee meeting that key people can make to this purpose. Bill will work with Sheila to pick a meeting date.

Committee reports

Mike reported that the whole Big Day Of Giving process is beginning again (for May 4th). There have been some refinements in flow. We need to make sure our information works well with new formats. He also reported that last year's IT company has been replaced. Still works through Giving Edge. Lower donations, scheduled donations, repeating donations to be possible. 5.2% fee for all this; less than last year. We need to make sure the whole board is on-board with this and will contribute. Mike would like to do a matching amount; we need to come up with donors – these don't have to be big. We also need a way to publicize those donors and tell them their benefits.

Steve reported that election night went well on DCN's equipment. Thanks to Omsoft for some configuration help in advance.

Next meeting location/announcements

Tsui Chang announce that she'll be traveling again soon. This time to Japan, for a year.


Adjourned at 6:20pm





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