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You are here: Home About DCN DCN Board of Directors Board Minutes Minutes for June 19th, 2018

Minutes for June 19th, 2018

BATF Status; Committee Reports; Broadband Survey; Assessor


Present: Mike Adams(MA),Sheila Evans(SE), Jim Frame(JF), Matthews Williams Jr.(MW), Robert Nickerson(RN), Jan Meizel(JM), Doug Walter(DW),

Absent: Steve McMahon(SM), Tsui Chang(TC) (On Leave)

Call to Order

Called to order at 6:17pm at the home of Mike Adams.

Agenda Approval

RN moved, SE seconded - approved unanimously

Public Comment

No members of the public were present.

Accept Minutes from March 2018

JM Moved JF seconded, approved unanimously

DCN Financial Report

Upon looking at the report, MA asked about the budgeted revenue versus actual revenue. The actual revenue column did not get updated appropriately. So there are columns that were out of mathematical alignment. Board members again discussed Financial Report needs formula work. So that when things are put in the monthly rec'd column it does update the total, automagically.

Accounts Receivable - No UCD check yet but its in the works. Balances are as of May 1st. Big DOG check also will come in at the end of June. MA how did we divide between DCN and DavisGIG in 2017? JF recommends splitting the income from 2018 BigDog.

JF moved DW 2nded move to split big dog revenue 50/50. MA and JF reiterate they are going to spend more time redoing the financial report so it has calculated columns. MA wants a little more "graphical"

Status of BATF and the Feasibility Study

MA worked with City Staff, says Eric Roe might come and talk. He is the son of one of the TP partners. Is interested in talking to BATF and the Fiber project. Chris "waived it off" at the April 2018 meeting. Tandem Properties wants to do it, sees it as a marketing advantage. City Staff invited him to the next BATF meeting. JM has known him since 6, if it would help. MA says there will be a market survey from CCG. CCG has done an outline, "how to approach", that is underway.

Where is DJUSD on this? asks JM? DJUSD the Inet fiber is used by all the campuses. the City attorney had made assurances. What are they doing now?

MA will ask the staff. JM opined they need to do a little learning, as Comcast dropped a PBS channel. More looking for better source of contract, the lines they use are "city lines." Conduit that is owned by the City. RN gave a brief recap of May BATF. JM says we can try to use fiber conduit. JM continued that the schools are not as experienced as they could be. RN mentioned BATF Chair Clements, meeting with Superintendent. JM suggest we give them help. JM says we need to tell them because they did things wrong with their NASA grant. Recommends longtime DJUSD employee, Bob Kehr. Would DCN be a liason to DJUSD?

MA asks why no internet based survey? Why can we randomize among the email addresses collected by city council candidates? MA says he supports multiple methodologies.

Committee Reports

RAC Committee

3 new Sponsored Projects, but we got 3 more requests, not yet and expected, Bet Haverim (BH) synagogue.

Preliminary Meeting says website is costing $12k per year. JM met with the Executive Director of BH, and they are working out a possible sponsored project.

JM will get back with BH - Search and Rescue, Embroiderers guild, Organ grinder joke. Approved and off and running. Board members ask how did they hear about DCN?

Technical Operations Committee

SE asks about DCN hardware, and Technical County Assesor's question. Since hardware is now at Omsoft, we Would we add it to Omsoft Assessor? MA asks is there a balance sheet? Does it show up in 990? SE says accountant should have the balance sheet. JF says his assessor they have to list all hardware of original value.

RN speaks about transitioning servers to QTS data center and retiring physical hardware.


Adjourned 7:06
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