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You are here: Home About DCN DCN Board of Directors Board Minutes Minutes for July 29, 2020

Minutes for July 29, 2020

Updates on shutdown, bank account transitions, Utility Commission discussions of community broadband

Doug called the Zoom meeting to order at 6:21pm


Present: Jim Frame, Doug Walter, Steve McMahon, Matt Williams

Absent: Rob Nickerson

Agenda approval

Steve moved approval, Jim seconded
Unanimous consent

Public comment

No public!

Minutes from January 21 and May 28, 2020

Jim moved approval of both sets of minutes
Matt seconded
Unanimously approved

Update on and other Velocipede topics

Steve reported that by email the board approved an orderly shutdown of the DCN community event calendar; Steve notified participating organizations and nobody objected. Shutdown is scheduled for August 1st and will be a relief to the tech staff.

Updates on accounts and payments

Jim reported that due to a break-in at our snailmail drop box, we needed to change our account number at Union Bank. Jim coordinated signatures by himself, Steve and Matt. He'll be going to Union Bank for finalization sometime this week.

Jim reported that payment was received from Yolo County for ACE server use over the last calendar year. 

Steve noted that Omsoft will be taking over this account going forward, as DCN physical assets are no longer in use.

Update on Utility Commission discussions of community broadband

Matt reported that with no fanfare, the City of Davis disclosed that WAVE agreement was never activated due to some failure to finalize. The city has replaced this with one-year agreement with Comcast. Matt and Lorenzo presented this to the Utility Commission and they unanimously agreed to take this up (particularly in light of problems that have arisen with COVID-19, which gives some community urgency to a revival of consideration of municipal action).

Brief discussion, without conclusion, of the possibility of making some grants for alleviating digital divide issues in the COVID-19 era.

Next meeting location/announcements

Doug asked: should we meet next in August or September? We can schedule flexibly if something arises.
General agreement to schedule for Tuesday, Sept. 15, 2020


Adjourned at 6:45pm 

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