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You are here: Home About DCN DCN Board of Directors Board Minutes Minutes for May 19, 2022

Minutes for May 19, 2022

Election of officers, Discussion of possible future projects, IP Lease Policy

Doug called us to order at 12:05pm at Sam’s Mediterranean


Present: Steve McMahon, Jim Frame, Matthews Williams, Doug Walter, Rob Nickerson
Absent: None

Agenda approval

Add review of invitation from Bill Buchanan

Unanimously approved as amended

Public comment

No public!

Approve minutes from August 18, 2021

Jim moved approval
Rob seconded
Unanimously approved

Noted that the board has been in regular contact since the last meeting, but no formal actions have been taken.

Election of officers

Election of officers for 1 year terms retroactively beginning February 2022

Steve moved the current officers: Doug Walter, President; Rob Nickerson, Vice President; Matthews Williams, Treasurer; Steve McMahon, Secretary

Rob seconded

There were no nominations from the floor

Unanimously approved

Updates on financial accounts

Matt reported that business has been negligible. Matt will email status of accounts. Matt reported a deposit of a $20,000 IP block lease payment from UCD for the IP lease.

Request from Bill Buchanan

For commentators on status of broadband efforts in Davis now that there’s a national effort to increase connectivity.

Steve suggested we refer Bill to Christine Crawford, as none of us are keeping up with the issue the way we did before the COD terminated its efforts. Matt will reply to Bill.

Discussion of future projects for Community Network

IP Lease Revenue, Davis GIG or other network expansion ideas

Jim started us off by noting that the community is very nearly stalled on broadband expansion.  Is there a strategic investment we could make to spur some activity?

Rob noted that our resources are not adequate to actually fund any fiber expansion ourselves. Unless we borrow, using current resources for leverage. Doug noted that the IP block provides a regular cash flow that might help justify such financing.

Matt asked if Olive Drive might be a potential site for a demonstration project. We discussed informal avenues for contact that might help explore feasibility. Rob wondered if there might already be some fiber deployment to major housing units there. Another topic that can be explored with informal contacts.

Rob reported that the Binning Project may be getting fiber branched off the connection that goes to North Davis Meadows. He noted that there is some competition that has developed from low-altitude satellites. Omsoft is generally looking for such projects.

Rob noted that the technologies they are using could easily support an open-access model. He also reported that cell phone companies that have brought fiber to their towers have been willing to sell fiber connectivity.

IP Lease Policy

Doug noted that he’s comfortable with our current arrangement of leasing a block to UCD. While it may not optimize revenue, it suits our charter as a 501(c)3. It is local and educational.

Rob explained that there is a lucrative market, though lots of issues are raised. Rob said he could continue explorations with regional public or educational entities

Next meeting discussion, location, announcements


Matt reported that there is a Yolo broadband working group meeting scheduled for June 9th to help agencies prepare for major state and federal broadband funding opportunities coming soon. This working group invite list includes Yolo cities, County,  school district, Yocha Dehe, Housing Authority, and YCOE representatives.  

Doug announced his retirement and that this will mean more time for initiatives.

Adjournment and next meeting

Adjourned with unanimous consent at 1:15pm

NEXT BOARD MEETING: June 16th, Noon, place to be determined.


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