Local Health
Please Note: Inclusion of an agency or healthcare provider does not imply endorsement, nor does omission imply disapproval. For a detailed listing of agencies and specific services, go to YoloLink http://web-iii.yolocounty.org:81/ Please email admin@dcn.org to let us know about additional resource listings.
Sutter Davis Hospital http://sutterdavis.org
Sutter West Medical Group, serving Yolo and Solano Counties. http://sutterphysicians.org/swmg
Woodland Healthcare – includes Woodland Memorial Hospital and Woodland Clinic Medical Group. http://www.woodlandhealthcare.org
CommuniCare Health Centers http://www.communicarehc.org/
Kaiser Permanente Medical Offices - Davis. 1955 Cowell Blvd., Davis, CA 95618.
UC Davis Health System http://www.ucdmc.ucdavis.edu/welcome
Yolo County Health Department. http://www.yolocounty.org/org/Health/
Yolo Community Care Continuum (YCCC). http://www.y3c.org/
Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety, UC Davis. http://agcenter.ucdavis.edu/
NAMI-Yolo, The National Alliance on Mental Illness-Yolo. http://www.namiyolo.org
Yolo County Children's Alliance and Child Abuse Prevention Council.http://www.yolokids.org
Yolo Family Service Agency (YFSA).http://www.yfsa.net/default.htm