Email enhancements for DCN email users
As always, please contact our technical support at 530-758-0119 should you have any issues, concerns or questions about using IMAP, SSL or anything else.
Hi DCN Users
Our new MAIL server provides IMAP capability, unlimited storage, and secure connections through SSL.
Setup instructions are available for the IMAP protocol with SSL. This is the most secure way you can interact with our mail server. As more people want a complete copy of their email over multiple devices and locations, IMAP supports your ability to do that. As more people use untrusted connections in cafe's and airports its better to think of secure connections.
Also included with the walkthroughs are directions for setting up your outgoing email server so it will work securely everywhere you go with whatever device you use.
You can view these at our fledgling new website at:
Specific email clients are located in a list on the left had side found by clicking on "email clients".
Please be advised this is still under construction and some links may not work.
Instructions are also available on setting up email forwarding and automated replies here:
As always, please contact our technical support at 530-758-0119 should you have any issues, concerns or questions about using IMAP, SSL or anything else.
DCN Systems Administration