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You are here: Home Announcements DCN Class - "Social Media Series - Twitter Hands-on Workshop"

DCN Class - "Social Media Series - Twitter Hands-on Workshop"

This class is for beginners. Enrollment in Twitter 101 recommended but not required. Please note that access to a web-based email account (Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo are fine too) will be needed if you wish to create a Twitter account during the class. Admission is free. However, space is limited. Pre-registration required.

Location: City Training Lab, 600 A Street (between City Hall and the Senior Center). Park on the south side of the building. Walk north toward the building to enter the courtyard. The lab is the first door on your right.  See map.

Date & Time: Thursday, 9/29/2011, 6:30-8:00 p.m.

Instructor: Keith Bradnam

Registration:  There's a hands-on component and Wi-Fi is available in the lab. The first 7 registrants can use the lab's desktops. Others are encouraged to bring your own laptop.  Register now!

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