DCN News - March 7, 2014
In this issue: 1) Time to stop using Windows XP; 2) Davis isn't on this list ... yet; 3) The board for 2014.
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DCN News March 7, 2014, Issue No. 1/2014 |
In this issue:
1. Time to stop using Windows XP For everyday customers, the solution for XP-itis is fairly simple: Just upgrade to a modern operating system. The problem gets trickier in businesses, agencies and other institutions which might have embedded XP software, or which have machines that use applications that, for whatever reason, won’t work with more recent versions of Windows. The problem is extensive enough at UC Davis that various departments are advising their colleagues, technologists and business managers to figure out if and where they’re using XP, then take remedial action. This website has information, resources, and a link to an amusing-but-serious short video on the “XPocalypse.” Once Microsoft stops supporting XP, the OS will become a magnet for hacks, viruses and other malware. To protect its network, UC Davis policy prohibits machines that use unsupported operating systems or applications from connecting to the campus network. What’s true for them is just as true for people at home. Avoid problems, and stop using XP before April 8.
2. Davis isn’t on this list ... at least not yet We don’t know how Google ranks Davis—we know at least one well-connected person in town who has tried, unsuccessfully, to learn at least a little about how Davis rated—but much of Davis wants and/or needs faster Internet connections than the town now has. DCN is trying to figure out how we can help that happen, if not with Google, then some other way. We’ve been discussing ideas, and if you’d like to join the conversation, contact any of our board members, or use our general contact.
3. Speaking of the board, which maybe even means you DCN is interested in talking with people engaged by Davis Internet issues, broadly defined—ranging from equipping the town with true fiber (see item No. 2, above) to possibly developing apps or working with our ongoing services. DCN is an established, nonpartisan part of Davis’ tech community, and a platform for influencing the direction of Davis’ tech future. To talk about what it would mean for you to engage these issues, and perhaps even join the board, call or write any of our board members, or send us a note. You don't need to be a technologist—just someone who thoughtfully uses technology in or around Davis. And that’s most of us, these days. |
Davis Community Network is a nonprofit organization that provides Internet-related services and support to local nonprofit organizations, public agencies, schools and individuals. We're putting the power of the Internet in the hands of people and organizations to connect, engage, and build a stronger community - since 1993. Follow us on Facebook. For DCN account and technical support, contact our partner OmSoft Technologies: help@dcn.org or (530)758-0119 (Just say "DCN") Other questions: admin@dcn.org or (530)750-1170 Change address: http://mailman.dcn.org/options/dcn-news Unsubscribe: http://www2.dcn.org/dcn/about/dcn-news |