Newsletter Archives
Arranged in reversed chronological order.
- DCN News - August 18, 2011
- In this issue: 1) Can you spare five minutes? 2) It's not spam: How to unsubscribe from email lists; 3) Li-Fi: Using light to send data across the room; 4) Register online for upcoming DCN classes (Free); 5) Fall 2011 class schedule.
- DCN News - May 12, 2011
- In this issue: 1) Celebrate Davis with DCN; 2) Computerworld honors our Nonprofit Internet Toolkit! 3) Davisites show interest in "Cutting the Cable"; 4) Local Spotlight on Yolo CASA; 5) Will Improving Broadband Help Stimulate the Economy?
- DCN News - March 19, 2011
- In this issue: 1) Register online for upcoming DCN classes (Free); 2) Spring 2011 Class Schedule - fabulous new classes have been added to core offerings.
- DCN News - January 24, 2011
- In this issue: 1) Meet DCN's New Officers and Board Member; 2) Interview of DCN's Kimball Sargeant [Podcast]; 3) Tips on Website Design for College Students; 4) Protecting Your "Digital Afterlife"
- October 16, 2010, Issue No. 6/2010
- In this issue 1) Come Learn with DCN! 2) Resource Allocation Committee Seeks New Members; 3) Local Spotlight: "District Dollars" Updated; 4) Update on Spam: Who Does It and How to Stop It; 5) How Did Google Develop a Car that Drives by Itself? Data! 6) The Internet, Mobile Devices and Health Care: A Promising Future; 7) What Does Information Technology Do For YOU?
- August 20, 2010, Issue No. 5/2010
- In this issue: 1) DCN helps area nonprofits and not-for-profit groups catch up and keep pace with modern communication; 2) Upcoming classes (free).
- August 14, 2010, Issue No. 4/2010
- In this issue: 1) Upcoming Classes for Fall; 2) Debunking Rumors Online; 3) DCN is Transitioning to Plone 3; 4) Are There Social Benefits to Internet Use; 5) Media and the Internet; 6) Nonprofits and Social Media Tools; 7) City Commissions.
- June 16, 2010, Issue No. 3/2010
- In this issue: 1) DCN and Yolo Election Results; 2) Celebrate Social Media Day with Free Hands-on Session; 3) Celebrate Davis 2010 and Lucky Winner; 4) National Survey Results: How do those over 50 use social media and technology?
- May 7, 2010, Issue No. 2/2010
- In this issue: 1. Celebrate Davis with DCN; 2. New: social media classes; 3. World Plone Day; 4. New tools for SimpleSites; 5. The latest on net neutrality and the FCC.
- March 7, 2010, Issue No. 1/2010
- In this issue: 1. Google's High-Speed Internet Project; 2. Upcoming DCN Classes; 3. DCN Has a Facebook Page; 4. Davis Launches a Resident-Notification Program; 5. DCN and the School District Develop Interactive Website
- July 9, 2009, Issue No. 4/2009
- In this issue: 1. DCN Board Recruiting Underway; 2. DCN Summer Intern Onboard!
- March 31, 2009, Issue No. 3/2009
- In this issue: 1. Catch Up, Keep Pace with Modern Communication; 2. Upcoming Classes