DCN News - May 15, 2015
In this issue: 1) Classes; 2) Gigabit Fiber for Davis; 3) FCC Title II broadband reclassification
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DCN News May 15, 2015, Issue No. 2/2015 |
In this issue:
1. Classes Cyber Security On Tuesday, May 19, from 7:00-8:30 pm, Dewight Kramer, an Information Security Consultant for UC Davis, will give a presentation on Cyber Security. This talk will explore some ways to be cyber smart in an age where more and more things are interconnected. What does a data breach really mean-- and how does it really effects the average person? This presentation will review some concepts and terms becoming more common in today's news, IOT, SmartGrids, SmartCars, and EMV, and explore the relationship between information security and privacy, including the most effective ways people can stay safe online. The talk will be held in the West Wing building of the Explorit Center 3141 5th St. in Davis. To register online, visit dcn.org and click on upcoming classes, or call 530-750-1170. Internet of Things What does that even mean? Davis Community Network presents a free talk about the "Internet of Things," to be held at 6:30 - 7:30pm on Thursday May 28th at the Davis Makerspace. In no small way, lots of new household devices could have a small computer, which provides Internet connections to these normal everyday things. Some you can think of right away would be VOIP phones and IP cameras. Find out about others, and some good things to be aware of regarding these devices as they enter your home. We will also play with some web tools you can use to explore and connect to these devices. Talk will be given by Robert Nickerson, CEO and Internet Engineer, from a local ISP. Talk is free but donations are graciously welcomed in support of the non profit missions of: Davis Community Network(www.dcn.org) and Davis Makerspace(www.davismakerspace.org)
2. Gigabit Fiber for Davis Here's how it might work, the city and its citizens would pass a bond measure or take an infrastructure bank loan to build and deploy the fiber network throughout the town to all homes and businesses. A local community non-profit comprised of stakeholders and citizens, would make sure the network works properly, and manage it on behalf of the town. Citizens pay a small monthly utility fee or annual property tax to recover the costs of the network, and enjoy the benefits of fast fibers, which would include high speed connections between homes, businesses, and campus, and a small bandwidth (3-5Mbps) access to the Internet. Then the community leases access to the fiber to a variety of private providers who get to sell faster Internet (10-1000Mbps), TV, and Phone services to city residents, over the city owned network. This public private model will result in lower costs over all, provide much needed revenues to the city, and address economic access and digital divide issues. It's my belief, having been an Internet operator for over 17 years, that upward price pressures on monthly Internet bills will never go away, unless the infrastructure to provide the access is decoupled from the provider selling the access. If you want to learn more, or register your support, please see www.davisgig.org
3. FCC Title II broadband reclassification
Davis Community Network is a nonprofit organization that provides Internet-related services and support to local nonprofit organizations, public agencies, schools and individuals. We're putting the power of the Internet in the hands of people and organizations to connect, engage, and build a stronger community - since 1993. Follow us on Facebook. For DCN account and technical support, contact our partner OmSoft Technologies: help@dcn.org or (530)758-0119 (Just say "DCN") Other questions: admin@dcn.org or (530)750-1170 Change address: http://mailman.dcn.org/options/dcn-news Unsubscribe: http://www2.dcn.org/dcn/about/dcn-news |