Introducing DCN
DCN, its history, partners and projects in a nutshell

DCN is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit education and community service organization, founded in 1993. DCN is dedicated to helping local people take advantage of and benefit from the new information and communication technologies and services associated with the Internet and media convergence.
DCN maintains the primary Davis community web portal, with easy to find, searchable content and resource links of interest and value to Davis area residents and visitors. It includes government, education, businesses, arts, entertainment, recreation, nonprofits, elections coverage, city aerial photos, a community calendar and numerous DCN hosted personal web sites.
DCN has both formal and informal, technical and public services agreements with City of Davis, City of West Sacramento, Yolo County Elections Office, UC Davis, Virtual Market Enterprises, Yolo County Libraries, Migrant Education, DCTV, other institution and business partners.
DCN contracts with Internet Service Provider (ISP), Omsoft Technologies, to help maintain DCN s Network Operations Center, and to provide DCN subscribers with low cost, high quality Internet access, network services and technical support.
DCN helps local organizations more effectively use the Internet, offering simple to use programs and assistance for developing their online presence, including subsidized email or shell accounts, listservs, disk space, hosting and start-up web pages. To request support for your group, contact DCN s Resource Allocation Committee.
DCN has donated over 100 refurbished used computer systems to area schools, public housing facilities, migrant camps, low income families, and local public access sites.
DCN's Web Team is developing new open source Internet applications, such as Mailman lists, SimpleSite web creation forms, Zope content management tools and a Community Calendar for free use by community groups and nonprofit organizations.
DCN conducts free training sessions, classes and special workshops on topics ranging from Internet for Beginners and Effective Web Design, to Open Source Applications and Wireless & Broadband Security. Contact DCN to schedule a class for yourself or your group.
DCN established Yolo Area Regional Network (YARN) in 1996, bringing together regional partners to help bridge digital divides in our less-served and in-need neighboring communities.
DCN is helping bring next generation broadband infrastructure and services to this community, having actively participated on the City's Telecommunications Task Force, in preparation for cable franchise renewal.
DCN invites you to get involved. As a primarily volunteer based organization, we are always in need of energetic, skilled volunteers or interns to help with training, web content development, marketing, outreach, hardware and software support, and organizational management. We have various committees and project teams on which to serve, and have positions to fill annually on our Board of Directors.
If you, your organization or business are interested and able, we urge you to make a financial contribution to DCN. Your contribution may support DCN generally, or you may assign your support to a particular program. Donations are tax deductible. Contact us.
To keep up-to-date with DCN events, including class schedules, support, resource offerings and other announcements, subscribe to the free emailed DCNews. Just fill out the short form at the bottom of DCN s organizational web page.
For DCN account and network services
Omsoft Technologies, 1623 5th St., Suite F, Davis, CA 95616.
Phone: (530) 750-0101, or email: