March 31, 2009, Issue No. 3/2009
In this issue: 1. Catch Up, Keep Pace with Modern Communication; 2. Upcoming Classes
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DCN News March 31, 2009, Issue No. 3/2009 |
In this issue:
1. Catch Up, Keep Pace with Modern Communication This is where Davis Community Network can help. DCN offers classes, assistance and resources that help local people and nonprofits keep pace in an increasingly web-based environment, and provides tools that help nonprofits become more effective in doing their jobs. Today's best-run nonprofits are using the internet more and more -- just like businesses, universities and government institutions. They are taking full advantage of the web and many of its new features ? like interactive websites, blogs, social media ? to reach out, educate and engage their communities more effectively than ever before. If you would like your organization to function in a more effective way, if you wish your organization were more well known in the community, or if you'd like to generated greater numbers of supporters, members, volunteers, it may be time to modernize! DCN can't guarantee these things will happen overnight, but DCN can help you get you closer to that vision by giving you the tools of modern communication and teaching you to use them. A great first step is to take a class.
2. Upcoming classes Web Calendar Class Email List Management with Mailman SimpleSites 2.0 Website Creation SimpleSites2.0 Special Tools E-Newsletter Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) |
Davis Community Network is a nonprofit organization that provides Internet-related services and support to local nonprofit organizations, public agencies, schools and individuals. We're putting the power of the Internet in the hands of people and organizations to connect, engage, and build a stronger community - since 1993. For DCN account and technical support, contact our partner OmSoft Technologies: or (530)758-0119 (Just say "DCN") Other questions: or (530)750-1170 Change address: Unsubscribe: |