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Meeting Notes April 21, 2008

RAC Meeting Notes

Davis Community Network
Resource Allocation Committee
Regular Meeting Monday, April 21, 2008
Meeting Notes

Members present: Brattesani, Chiles, Hance, Meizel
Members absent: Chang, Crumley, Gonzalez, Yamagata
Visitor:  Rita Martin

1.  Chair Hance called the meeting to order at 6:35 PM

2.  The agenda was approved as distributed on a vote by John Chiles, seconded by Jan Meizel

3.  Review of Projects:

       a)  The "New DQ University" request by Rita Martin
    Rita described her efforts to revive an educational facility at the site of the present DQ university. She, as an individual,  is working on gathering support for an operation that would serve Native American and Hispanic students with continuing education.
    We thanked Rita for her presentation and, according to our stated policy, after she left we discussed the application. We determined that because the effort does not yet have the organized character required by DCN/RAC policies (evidence of an organized group with identified leaders) we needed to defer any approval until such a group has been created.
    The request for the following resources will be kept on file until we hear again from the project.
    1 Simple Site
    2 Mailman Lists
    1 Calendar   
    Web Team Help

      b)  The Davis School Arts Foundation
    This was an anticipated request for more shell storage space because the DCN system administrator has noted that their web files have now filled the 10 MB shell.  The issue was tabled because Anne had not managed to contact anyone from the Foundation. Several e-mails had no response and one phone call attempt was so far unsuccessful. Anne raised the question of the how much effort should be used to track down people responsible for the DCN resources when they fail to inform DCN of their personnel changes.

      c)  The chair's approval of the Davis Schools Foundation request by Kirk Alexander on 4/7/2008 for a calendar was ratified by committee consensus.

4.  Discussion of Simple Site reviews by each committee member.
    Using data provided by Web Team Chair Steve McMahon, Anne had prepared a web page with links to all RAC approved SimpleSites that have been set up by the Web Team. This web page assigned groups of about 10 links to each committee member for review.
    At this evening's meeting members reported on their findings and we compared the web page links with the similar data relating to simple sites printed out from the RAC FileMaker Pro database that Anne has been maintaining since 1996.

The following initial information emerged:
a.    Many - even 'most' - of the sites are very well designed and maintained. Some are 'excellent.  This is true of both versions 1.0 and 2.0   Some groups remain very content with their version 1.0 SimpleSites and use them well.
b.    Not all of the authorized resources have been activated
c.    Some of the authorized resources were activated and set up but no content has been entered  by the applicant
d.    Some of the applicants put content on their sites when they first got them but after a short period did no further work on them.
e.    Some (few) SimpleSites are being use for a single page with, for example, simply a mailman list sign up page.
f.    The project name provided by an applicant on an RAC application is not always the same as that use for the actual set-up of the resources. This causes confusion for the sort of review the committee is currently conducting.
g.    Many sites show month and day of events but give no year so it is impossible for visitors to know if the event slated for April 30 is for this year, last year or even earlier!  We wonder if an automated "Last updated" could be added to the templates.

Because the committee was not in full attendance we did not finish our review and so will continue until our May meeting. At that time we will finish comparing the web page information with Anne's database printout and will draft a report.

We adjourned at 7:45PM

Next meeting: MONDAY May 19, 2008
Anne Hance <>
RAC Chair

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