Davis Community Network is a nonprofit organization that provides internet-related services and support to local nonprofit organizations, public agencies, schools and individuals. We’re putting the power of the internet in the hands of people and organizations to connect, engage, and build a stronger community.
DCN is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit education and community service organization, founded in 1993. DCN is dedicated to helping local people take advantage of and benefit from the new information and communication technologies and services associated with the Internet and media convergence.
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More Davisites now know how "crowdfunding" works
We really appreciate Jeff Tolentino for volunteering to share his experiences working on a campaign to raise $12,000 for the Sacramento Taiko Dan using Kickstarter, a website for online fundrasing. The presentation covers useful concepts about 1) planning and development, 2) donor outreach, and 3) campaign management.
DCN Class - "Understanding Kickstarter" - Thur, 11/21/2013
People in Davis have used Kickstarter to help fund projects. Learn what it is and how it works in a free class taught by Jeff Tolentino of Davis Makerspace. Free and open to the public. Pre-registration required.
A fabulous class!
A big "thank you" to Steve McMahon for volunteering his expertise and time to offer a free class on "Cutting the Cable, Updated" which talks about the latest technology, like Google Chromecast, that allows one to watch everything from new-release movies to network shows to city-council meetings without dishing out for the dish or cable.
DCN Class - "Cutting the Cable, Updated" - Tues, 10/29/2013
This class will talk about the latest technology, like Google Chromecast, that allows you to watch everything from new-release movies to network shows to city-council meetings without dishing out for the dish or cable. Free and open to the public. Pre-registration required.